chapter six: hermione

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Hermione would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous about going into Knockturn Alley, but she would never say so in front of Draco Malfoy.

They spent the next hour or so preparing for the journey--after all, it wasn't like they had anything better to do. Draco changed into his old attire, fancy, black robes that likely cost more money than Hermione had ever seen, and Hermione worked on transfiguring her appearance in order to become unrecognizable.

By the time she was done, the face staring back at her in the mirror looked more like Draco Malfoy than it did Hermione Granger.

She had changed her hair to a light blonde--almost white in appearance--and made it stick-straight, rather than the usual wild curls that had gotten her a number of teasings in Hogwarts. She made her eyes light grey, to match Draco's, and got rid of the fullness in her face, opting for a gaunt look that definitely made her look like a Malfoy.

The sight before her made Hermione shiver.

The woman she now appeared as would definitely be someone who would call her a mudblood, and perhaps delight in the torture she had undergone just a mere few hours ago.

It was horrifyingly perfect.

"Granger?" Draco's voice calling from the other room broke Hermione's trance. "You ready?"

Rather than respond, Hermione stepped out of the bathroom and locked eyes with him. Draco's jaw dropped.

"Blimey, that's almost scary," Draco muttered. 

"But it works?"

"It works," he confirmed.

Not only had Hermione transfigured her physical appearance, but she had also changed into a spare set of robes that Draco owned. She could tell they were expensive--perhaps as costly as Draco's--from the thick fabric. Even just dressing like this made her feel like a dark witch.

"Alright, here's the plan," Draco began, stalking toward her until they were only about a foot apart. "We'll apparate to Knockturn Alley and then walk to the Spiny Serpent. I'll go in first, and if they let us in, say as little as possible. We don't want this to all go to shit just because you slip up--"

"--because I slip up?" Hermione interrupted him with a scoff. "I don't make mistakes."

"I know. You're fucking Hermione Granger," Draco gave her a pointed look. "But this is a whole different world. One slip-up could cost us both our lives."

Hermione stayed quiet, which was unusual for her, but she was seriously considering Draco's words. He was right, she realized. Hermione knew next-to-nothing about the network of Purebloods, about dark witches and wizards, and about Knockturn Alley. If either of them would say something suspicious, it would be her.

"Fine," she relented. "I understand."

"Good," Draco nodded. He offered out an arm to her, which she accepted.

And with a loud crack, the two of them were gone.

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