Chapter 1: Coming Out

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FYI there will be gay ship(s) in this story including ShinoNeji, KanKiba, possibly SakuIno and possibly SasuNaru so if you don't like that then please don't leave any hate and feel free to just click off the story. Some other ships I may include in this story are NejiTen, NaruHina, KibaHina, InoSai, ShiKiba, Choji x Karui, ObiKaka, KakaIru, TsunaJira, Tsunade x Shizune (they aren't related in my AU and Shizune is older) and slight KibaNaru but it won't last long XD. Also if you couldn't tell this story is an AU and very little things will be canon.

A little explanation before we start, so Neji was in a relationship in the past and it was on and off because of both sides' trust issues and now he likes Shino but doesn't want the same thing to happen so never asks him out. Until..

* * Third Person POV * *

As the Konoha 12 continued talking everyone noticed Neji flirting with Shino. Neji would constantly look at him flirtatiously and occasionally wink. Choji leaned into Neji's ear.

"Are you gonna ask him out?" It was obvious that Choji thought he should but Neji couldn't do that. Neji's face fell and he looked down instead of at Shino who was currently looking at Hinata and listening to what she was saying. Though Hinata was stuttering immensely, since Naruto was also watching her as she talked, everyone, well, mostly everyone, paid extreme attention to what she had to say.

Neji couldn't ask Shino out, what if they went off and on and off and on just like he did with his ex? Then they'd drift apart and it'd turn toxic, so toxic all their mutual friends would take only one of their sides and leave the other, he couldn't let that happen again. Neji shook his head discreetly, once again pushing all his emotions down, and started listening to Hinata, no longer looking at Shino.

"Yeah s-so th-th-that's what happ-pened over my-y w-weekend." Hinata finished as she looked at the ground, her face red as a tomato.

"That's so cool Hinata! I wish my weekend was as entertaining as yours." Naruto complained. At this Hinata came close to fainting but Shino, being prepared, had an ice pack and placed it on her forehead to prevent that.

"What were you even doing all weekend Naruto? Literally nobody saw you." Sakura said accusingly, she really hated it when Naruto spoke huh?

"Well apparently he was hanging out with a very unentertaining Uchiha." Sasuke complained sourly as he half pouted and half glared at Naruto. This earned a surprised look from Ino, Hinata and Sakura, why had they been together over the weekend?

"Well yeah you are very unentertaining. UCHIHA." Naruto spat back. Half the group could tell by now that they were being sarcastic with each other but it took the other half (Ino, Hinata, Lee, Sakura, Neji and Kiba) a few minutes of the boys of Team 7 bickering to realize they were just being dumb.

"I have an idea!" Lee interrupted the two's bickering suddenly.

"What is it Lee?" Tenten asked curiously.

"Well it only really works if everyone is comfortable with it of course but we should all tell each other our sexualities! We could even do it in a way where we play telephone and each person wi-" Lee started excitedly.

"Well I think we can all agree that we could just say it, right?" Tenten interrupted with a big smile on her face, "it'll be exciting!"

The group shared their semi-agreements and eventually they all sat down in a circle in the middle of the small field they were in and chose that Tenten would go first and then they would continue clockwise.

"So I'm pansexual, I like anyone and everyone no matter their gender!" Tenten exclaimed proudly as she put her right hand to her heart and sat up straighter than before. Some wondered how the hell that was possible, her posture was so freaking perfect it scared half the group. "Also, I'm monogamous. Your turn Kiba!" Everyone just nodded in response before looking expectantly at Kiba who was sitting to Tenten's left.

"Phew okay. Well, I'm~ bi, I like both men and women, though I think everyone knows what bisexual is." Kiba said awkwardly as he pet Akamaru who sat obediently next to his master.

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