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key through lock, she gently opens the door to the apartment. her hands toppled with carrier bags and folders, yet to find a home. opposite, he sits, watching flashes of nothings being flicked through on the tv. it's turned off immediately when he notices her closing the door and dropping all her things with barely any sound. walking over with his arms held wide, just waiting for her warmth to engulf him. 

he stops her as she goes to hold him, noticing her mood. ever so lightly he places his hands on her shoulders, slowly lifting her head with his hand, resting her chin on the bridge of his index finger. 

"you've been crying my dear." barely even a whisper but yet every word surprises her. 

"how did you know?" she replies, lips parting slightly as a little sniffle blows her cover.

"i know you dear, i can tell." he goes on. "how your eyelashes thin and curl, and the lingering smell of salt when i kiss you. how you hide your breathing in hopes to keep your hiccups at bay. the way you tiptoe throughout the house, and have your head fixed down to make sure you dont trip and make a sound."

a short silence was kept by both of them, her eyes slightly widening with how much he observed.

"you noticed all that?"

"of course i did darling, why wouldn't i? everything about you mesmerizes me, and i cant help but remember the small dainty details."

she steps forward and sniffles again, louder this time. his arms open in a welcoming gesture, inviting her to take refuge in his hold. he feels a patch of his top dampen with freshly sprung tears, and his arms only grasp tighter. he lifts his hand to stroke her hair, while whispering sweet nothings, chin resting on head. they stay like that for the rest of the night, only moving to the sofa when legs get tired. warmth being shared in utter silence. a mutual understanding of the love for one another. 

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