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Ronald's pov
Colonel has gone to shower while we wait for the food to arrive. Never in my entire Ronald McDonald life would I have ever imagined that I would be sharing a hotel room with THE Colonel Sanders.

I am so nervous what if he slips and falls while he's in the shower and can't get up. Maybe I should go check that he's alright. NO RONALD STAY STRONG. It's so tempting yet I know I shouldn't think these things.

Colonel's pov
I get out of the shower and dry off with a towel. Opening the door I see Ronald has already fallen asleep on the bed. DAMN THAT CLOWN. I was going to make him sleep in the bathroom.

I walk over to the left side of the bed and get under the covers.
This is going to be a longgggg night.

"AHHH" I wake up immediately to see where the scream came from. I turn my body over to see Ronald CRYING!?. "Sorry for waking you Colonel" Ronald whimpers. He looks like he had a nightmare. Anyways I don't care I turn back off and go back to sleep.

I open my eyes slightly realising where I am and who I'm with."RISE AND SHINE!" Ronald sings in his annoying voice. While wrapping his arms around me. Attempting to cuddle. "Fuck off" I reply grudgingly. "Don't swear Infront of the baby" Ronald scolds.

"WHAT BABY?!" I yell slightly scared.
"The one inside my tummy" Ronald looks me straight in the eyes. "I'm pregnant, colonel" "and it's yours"...

"Colonel" Ronald sighs "We slept in the same bed so I'm pregnant".

"Ronald that's not how it works" I sigh at his dumbass. "YES IT IS" Ronald screams "TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE".

Ronald storms out of the hotel room slamming the door behind him. Probably going off to sulk somewhere
Ronald's pov
I run out of the room with tears in my beautiful orbs. I can't believe Colonel doesn't want to be in the baby's life. I can't believe I'm going to be a single mother at such a young age.

I need to make Colonel see otherwise not because I need him in my life but for the sake of our unborn child. I think I know just how I can do that.

Ronald McDonald x Colonel SandersWhere stories live. Discover now