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ur my:
dickless no. 1

i don't know what you see when you look in the mirror everyday, and i don't know what you think of yourself because i cant read your oh so precious mind. but what i can do is tell you what i think of you. so let's get these categories started shall we, and let's just hope i don't embarrass myself.

im pretty sure i tell you this like every single day, but you're hot as fuck. and im pretty sure, you get hotter like every day on fucking god. your hands are literally everything, and when you wear rings it only makes it better. you asked me once why i like your hands so much... the answer is i don't know, i just do, so deal with it mwah. your fashion is 10/10, would've never guessed the weirdo would have good fashion but you do. your hair, looks so fluffy, really i just wanna play with it, it seems hella soft. let me yeah? your abs... let's not go there ehem im holy.

this is gonna be a long category i can feel it.. so buckle up and enjoy the ride cutie. you're one of the most selfless, caring people i've ever met. you were the first person who ever put me first and truly gave a damn about me and i love you so much for that. there's something about you that everyone loves, it's either your kind soul or uplifting spirit. i love how you always try your best to make me feel better when i'm feeling down. and i hope i do a good job at making you feel well when you upset as well. you're closed off, and you have thick walls, but when you let them tumble i find it so beautiful, you wanna know why? because it's you, and when i met you i signed up for every part of you, the good the bad and the ugly. you're a bit scary sometimes. i also tell you that a lot. and when you're mad at me i literally want to dig a hole and hide, but at the same time i find you so attractive when you're mad on god. either way i'm screwed lmfao.

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