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i love you. more than you'll ever know. i don't really know how to put my feelings into words because it's hard for me. but i really do love you. and i tried to show that to you the best i could. and somewhere along the way i fucked it up like always and i'm so sorry. im so fucking sorry.
but i feel like everyday, no matter what, no matter if we fight, and no matter if you don't even come online. i feel like each day my love and respect for you just grows. i have never had such a strong feeling in my veins, and that feeling is all for you.
i want you, god more than anything i want you. but only if that's what you want. and if not, then i will stay by your side as your best friend like i have for so long.
you make my heart skip a beat when you call me beautiful. and you make me stare at my phone waiting on replies. and last night when you kept telling me to change, i felt so warm because it felt like you were being possessive of me in a way.
i am completely and utterly in love with you cameron. and i would do anything for you. i love you i love you i love you, there's not much more to say.
i will leave this here just for you. i love you.

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