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So finnaly here is the second part of my story (if youre wondering what happened look at the end of the last story its called forever) as always im sorry for the wait and I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer I do not own adventure time or any of its characters

Deep in the icy catacombs of the Ice kings abode a spot of pink stood out.
"Da da da dum a dodo da de a da da da da da." Happily sung the Ice king as he neared the main focus of his life as if a gift from glob Finn had handed over his obsession to him, Princess bonnibel bubble gum or as he called her. "Betty, how are you today ive made you some nice chicken soup it was, it was, it was someones favourite I dont know just take it." Encased in a solid wall of ice Bubblegum had little choice whilst pondering her escape she sought revenge.

Bubblegums POV

How could he do this to me my Finny, why cant we just be together why did I not make a move sooner. Why cant Marcelie just d... no no Bonnibel thats too far

Third person

"Come on Betty drink your soup, itll help with your flu or something wait I wrote something, dont move." Ice king sped away for his fanfiction as Bubblegum put her plan into action. Using variouse chemicals she stored in her coat she had constructed a bomb. "Come on Come on work work goddammit". BANG. The whole castle shook as a pink figure made her escape. Crunch Crack. the whole castle began to fall as penguins fled in every direction. "Wh wh wh AAAAAAH". Ice king screeched as he attempted to fly to the exit of his once stable home. Frozen tears fell as he noticed he left his Betty he left his one and only he fell to the ground defeated and lay still.

10 minutes earlier

A Sickly grey man and woman flew across the sky seeming to race in the thick black clouds, the heavens opened as rain poured down and the slotches of grey rocketing across the sky flew to the ground and landed together. "Wooow weenie youre pretty good at this whole vampire buissnes, but im still better". Marcelines trademark evil cackle echoed through the woods as she and her lover landed in the dense area, the onslaught of rain continued to pummel the tree line and the other figure spoke up.
"Aaaaaw come on Marcy am I really that bad". Using his best puppy eyes The other grey figure named Finn stared intently at Marceline feighning hurt. "Aaaaaw come on Finn that sort of face wont faze me... Finn cut it out". Finn continued feighning hurt staring more intently at her and slowly walked back. "Ok youre good". Admitted Marceline as the hero, her hero raced to her and kissed Marcelines cheek. "And thats why I love ya". Happily admitted Finn as he prepared to race into the sky. CRAAACK!
"Whoa what was that!" Frantically shouted Finn as he flew towards the sound relishing in his vampiric powers. "SIMON!" Could be heard across the vally as the vampiric queen seemed to defy nature and zoomed towards the ice kingdom. Already knowing what was up Finn followed suit.

30 minutes later

Finn landed and slowly walked up to a delusional Ice king and Marceline trying to hush him. One word could be made out "Betty."

A pink princess climbed her throne and sat in rage plotting her revenge.

I hope you enjoyed the first part the next one will be up tommorow. And once again im sorry for the wait

Exclusion a finnceline fanfiction part two DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now