A brothers memorys

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Finn woke much like anyday until he noticed that it was the day of Jakes incident as he called it. Finn quickly wrote a note telling Marceline where he was going and why.

Hey Marcy I guess you wonder where I am. Im going to take a walk im memory of my bro ill be back later love you Finn x

Finn placed the note on the bedside table and left the house to walk the variouse trails of the nightospere.

Marcelines POV

Another day another wait. "Finn Finn!" Wait theres a note... Oh poor Finn.

Third person

Marceline replaced the note on the bedside table and walked down the stairs of her fathers house to make some breakfast. "Hello daughter." Said Hunsen causing Marceline causing her to jump. "Oh hey dad." Casually replied Marceline. "Sooo Marceline weve got some catching up to do." The next few hours were full of stories of their adventures and actions over years and a few pieces of realtionship advice from Hunsen which made Marceline blush but she was still grateful. Suddenly Finn burst through the door covered in bruises cuts and scratches. Marceline became instantly worried and flew towards Finn asking "Finn what hapened who attacked you." Finn hugged her saying. "Dont worry Marcy just a low level demon attack nothing I couldent take care of."

1 and a half hours later

Finn walked along a cracked trail in the dark red stone of the nightospere occasionally finding Demons but nothing too seriously. An ominous cave lingered in the distance and Finn decided to explore, as Finn approached the cave a gutteral roar sounded and a giant feral lookong demon charged out of the cave narrowly missing Finn. Finnaly getting a good view of his foe looked and took a step back standing before him was a demon know as anima fraudita or anima (soul stealer) the demon was eight foot tall with a large muscular body, its back was lined with spikes and it had a scaly snakes head the demon was also the rich red of the nightospere. "Bad decision boy." Booomed the beasts voice as it charged Finn. Reactions took over Finn drew his sword flew up out of the demons reach and sliced its back open. Roaring in pain anima having speed that surprised Finn ignored its injuries turned and raked its viciouse barded claws across Finn chest ripping and rending flesh. "Is that all you got you sick freak." The demon laughed at Finns petty insult and once again mocked him by saying. "Weak pathetic child your sword is but a toth pick to me." Anima once again sped forward and landed a poweful blow to Finns face, knockimg him back several yards. Finn slowly pulled himself to his feet got his bearing and charged into battle the demon mirrored him, just before the rivals met in the middle Finn surprised the demon leaving an opening. with the grace of an eagle Finn slid through the demons legs and thrusted his sword up slicing the demons torso in half. Screeching anima fell to the ground Finn finished the job and returned to Hunsens house his mind somewhat clearer.

The present

Hunsen eyed Finn whilst saying "Whoa Finn anima fraudita, thats anything but low level hes been troubling me for months thanks, but you should probably get cleaned up your kind of staining my floor." Marceline shook her head and Said. "Come on weenie ill help ya." Marceline picked up Finn took him to the bathroom and began to clean his wounds. "Woow Finn my dad was impressed thats pretty... impressive." Beeming with pride Finn replied with. "Well do you think he minds about, us" Marceline smiled tenderly kissed Finn and relplied with. "He told me earlier he thought we were good together and he thought that the hero of ooh was a perfect candidate for me or something. And thats pretty good coming from my dad." Finn sat happy as Marceline continued cleaning him up but keeping the memory of his brother firmly locked in his mind.

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