Chapter 6

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Thx guys so much for getting me to currently 121 views. You honestly don't know how much this means to me and it's great to see that others are reading my story. I will try to keep updating sooner😝 Shoutout goes to kiersten00815 she's awesome!!!
Luv ya <3

Emily's POV

The rest of the week went by smoothly and it was finally Friday so I invited Kiersten, Alli, and Alyssa and their boyfriends over as well as Luke.

Luke arrived and he had drove everyone else over and soon enough we were in my basement hanging out. I was sitting on Luke's lap and everyone else was on the floor.

" What do you guys wanna doooo?" Joe whined in that accent of his that Alli found very attractive "I was thinking maybe we could play some truth or dare" Ryan said while wiggling his eyebrows. He was currently sitting with Alyssa on his lap, they were just too cute.

"I'll start first" Luke said "Ok, Emily truth or dare?"he asked "Dare" I said very confidently "I dare you to kiss me" Luke said with the cutest smirk on his face "Wow, how dangerous" I said sarcastically leaning in and pecking his lips.

The night went pretty well and we had lots of fun.The others left but Luke wanted to head to his house to watch his old home movies so I hopped into his car.

Once we got to his house I changed into sweats and one of Luke's shirts and oversized hoodies which smelled just like him (which I very much enjoyed) "So would you like to watch my first birthday or my first potty lesson?" He said laughing. God damn, I loved it when he showed those dimples...

We ended up watching his first birthday since the other one was "too personal" in Luke's mind. We snuggled up on his bed under the covers as he held me tightly around the waist.

After it was over Luke kept kissing my cheek and before I drifted off to sleep I heard him whisper "I will never let you go"


I woke up in a different bed and realized I had drifted off to sleep in Luke's arms. As I tried to get up he pulled me back down groaning "Aww Luke stop being a tough cookie" I said. He chuckled "But you are so warm please just lie with me a few more minuets" he whined

"No I need to get up" I said pulling a pillow and hitting him with it. Before I knew it we were having a one on one pillow fight and we ended up on the floor laughing while holding our stomachs.

" Why don't we go get some breakfast?" Luke asked "Alright" I said.

After breakfast I walked back home and got changed and met Luke in the backyard between the two Willow trees. "Hey beautiful" he said "Hey ugly" I replied giggling

"Oh my gosh I have a great idea!" Luke said "what?" I asked "We should do a boyfriend/girlfriend tag" he said. "Sounds great I'm totally in!!" I said

*Skip one month later- school is now out for summer*

Today was Luke and I's one month anniversary and apparently he had something really big to tell me and I was gonna freak when I hear it.

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