Chapter 20

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Hey guys!! So like I said there is a lot of drama and I did this because without it, this story probably would be boring and honestly I would have ran out of ideas... I'll try to update more often but anyways thx for the support🌟💖

The call ended as I screamed his name "LUKE, LUKE PLEASE ANSWER ME!" I screamed but it was no use, there was no way to get to him now. Then an idea popped into my head. Ok I know this sounds crazy but me and Luke put trackers on both of our phones after the kidnapping incident just in case it ever happened again.

I pulled out my phone and opened the app quickly searching for Luke's phone. It said he was at the intersection of Westpoint and Blurryfield (Don't criticize I made them up)

I jumped in the car and raced down. The questioned that pondered in my head was why would Luke be there? But I didn't have the time to answer all I cared about was if Luke was ok.

Once I got there police cars and ambulances were all over. I rushed over to see what happened when an officer held me back "I'm sorry you can pass this far" he said "WAIT JUST TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED IM HIS GIRLFRIEND" I screamed starting to cry "I'm sorry ma'am just wait here maybe you can talk to a doctor" He replied. Doctor? Why a doctor "Just tell me please" I said

I was crying so much and I saw a stretcher pass by with a body on the top. It was shipped into the ambulance and drove away. The officer drove me to the hospital.

I went over to the front desk and the lady told me that since I was not family I couldn't see Luke yet and I needed to wait. "While how long until I can see him?" I asked her "We are not sure yet you're lucky he's still alive" she said. I nodded and sat down.

I waited for two hours until the doctor came in and walked over to me. "Hi Emily right?" He asked "Yes is Luke ok?" I asked him "Well unfortunately, your friend has survived a serious shot in the head and leg" he said "The police assume it was a drunk driver that shot him he's very lucky to survive but there are effects" he said "What are the effects???" I asked impatiently "Since he has serious brain damage, he will be paralyzed for about a month and a half and he needs to be in a wheelchair for a while before his leg fully heals" he said "ok he will survive though right?" I asked "Yes but his life expectancy is only three months I'm sorry you should go home and get some rest" he said.

I drove home tears dripping down my cheeks. I was only gonna have three months with Luke? Half of them with him paralyzed?? This can't happen.. We were suppose to get married and have a family..

I drove home and curled into my bed. Suddenly there was a knock at my door. I opened and saw Hayes standing there "Hayes how did you......" I tried to finish but he pulled me into a hug "The boys cut me a break and I caught the closest flight after I heard about Luke" he said hugging me as I cried into his hoodie

"Listen Emily we need to talk" he said as we sat down. "What?" I asked "The man who shot Luke... was....Kyle he was drunk and he honestly didn't mean to" he said "Kyle how could he?" I asked crying harder as Hayes pulled me back into a hug.

"How about we do something to change your mind" Hayes suggested "I have a great idea" I said pulling out the video Luke and I made.

Hayes set up a big screen outside and we sat down and watched Luke's video. As Tides played my eyes filled with tears. Hayes cuddled me into his arm. Me and Hayes didn't like each other like that though we were more like a brother and sister cause Hayes would never cheat with me again.

We watched the whole video and fell asleep during the half of it. I can't take my mind off of Luke he was really my everything and now he's almost gone... I just need to see him and touch him and tell him everything's ok.

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