Chapter Seventeen

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The room is silent, besides light music playing in the background. Mrs. Otello drifts beside her husband, as elegant as can be. She's glowing next to him and he's just as happy. They look as if they've known each other their entire lives. Everyone has all eyes on them, mesmerized by their movement. Grayson is silent next to me, clearly understanding how important this event is. I'll have to remember to get him a new toy as a reward. Aubrey has crocodile tears, patting her face and sniffing every once in awhile. I see Lizzie roll her eyes and look at me, I avoid eye contact to prevent laughing. Luke is just as annoyed by her performance because he sips his wine after every eye pat. Joe is completely ignoring the drama altogether. God, it's getting hard not to look at Lizzie.
"We thank all of you, for joining us today. Although we tied the knot in previous weeks, we still wanted a celebration for all of our friends and family. Everyone looks beautiful. We would like to thank our beautiful photographer for the photos you see here today. We would like to thank the staff. There will be a night of drinking and celebrating. Dance and eat your hearts out. Mingle and make connections. We are all a family now!" Mr. Otello smiles, his pearly whites gleaming at all of us.
"Also, my boys are here! My beautiful daughter in-law who is caring my grand baby is also here. Please, make them feel welcomed and love and they'll do the same!" Mrs. Otello says.
"Joe, she didn't mention me!" Aubrey whispers crocodile tears immediately gone.
"Show her the ring." Lizzie whispers across the table. I giggle and Luke chuckles, clearly entertained. Aubrey flicks her off.
"Pick up your glasses. Cheers to all of you, and again, thank you!"
Everyone clings their glasses and we drink. Grayson slobbers on his juice cup. His outfit is still intact and for that I'm grateful. Food is served and I dive in, sharing the chewable pieces with Grayson. I feel eyes on me and force myself not to acknowledge them.
"Boys! Hello, my beautiful boys. How's everything?" Mrs. Otello has a hand on each of their shoulders. They shoot her commercial smiles, clearly still upset.
"Mom, you could've told us." Luke whines.
"Ah, don't start. How's the food, Danielle?"
"It's actually ama-"
"Mrs. Alexander, that was amazing!" Aubrey chimes in.
"Did you arrive late? Do you not see the photos?" Mrs. Otello snaps.
"I-I do."
"Then you know I've been remarried. That means the last name has been changed. Keep up, darling."
"Mom.." Joe grunts.
" guys enjoy. I'll be around."
The table begins to engage in conversation, casual but tense. I put my full attention into the conversations so I look involved. I'm really uninterested and getting tired at this point. The boys go at it about a recent football game while Aubrey and Lizzie discuss the food. I don't fit into either of the conversations so I stay quiet.
"Ma ma ma ma ma ma" Grayson coos, stuffing his face with pasta.
"Gray, Gray, Gray." I coo back. He giggles, noodles on full display in his mouth.
"You're so good with him." Luke says, shooting me a smile.
"Thank you, it took some time and learning." I say, proud.
"I agree, you've changed so much." Joe says. He seems mesmerized by Grayson and his every move. Act casual.
"How do y'all know each other?" Aubrey butts in. She loves attention on her, it seems to fuel her ego.
"Well I told you, we're all friends. Joe and Danielle used to be good, good friends." Lizzie shrugs.
"Good good friends? They acted like they didn't know each other at all."
"I don't mix business and pleasure." I shrug.
"I agree, casual is better. You guys were going to meet in due time." Joe adds.

We play catch up, sipping wine and engaging with anyone who approaches the table. It makes me miss how things used to be before we let the pain of growing and growing apart set in. Everyone looks so beautiful and happy here. Aubrey seems to be drinking herself under the table, clearly upset by something. I want to comfort her but I don't know how. What could I say to help whatever situation ailing her. Mind your business, you can't help everyone.
Grayson is in heaven, from the food and juice to the cupcakes Mrs. Otello keeps sending over. Something tells me she's created an obsession with him. It's cute but definitely not a good idea.
"So this is why you can't answer my calls?"
We all look up at the woman towering over Luke. She's a brunette, slim, model material. She's pretty but the aura seeping off of her screams drama.
"Oh my god." Lizzie whispers. Luke looks like he wants to run or melt out of his skin. What's happening right now?
"Diane, you can't be here." Luke spits.
"Well I am and I can. You said you were popping in and I could meet you at the hotel. I've waited for hours. You're here with her."
"Luke, what the fuck is this?" Lizzie growls. My eyes seem to roam from face to face, trying to place expressions with words.
"Yeah, Luke, what the fuck is this?" Diane shoots back. Luke stands, grabbing her by the wrist and she snatches away. She's angry. Lizzie is angry. Luke is...caught.
This is the mistress. Everything begins to fall together and now my confusion can clear room for actual thinking.
"You said you were leaving this bitch. Look at her, pregnant and matching outfits with you." Diane spits. I slide Graysons high chair around to my other side. This is clearly going to get messy and I want no parts of it.
"Listen, go outside so we can talk. This event is important, I don't need this right now." Luke grits his teeth. Man, man, man. Lizzie looks hurt and angry.
"Luke, what? Talk? Y'all have nothing to discuss, why are you even touching her?"
"Lizzie, please. Let me handle this."
"Yeah bitch, let my man handle this."
Before I can think of something to cool the situation down, a glass is broken against Diane's head. Lizzie has blood seeping through her fingers.
"Lizzie! Are you okay?" I love to her side, wrapping her hand with a towel. The blood is thick and makes me want to vomit. I've never been good with blood. Diane staggers, clearly effected by the hit. I'll have to brag to Lizzie about her aim later. People are looking at our table, curiosity set in.
"Bitch, I'm going to kill you." Diane slurs. Luke tries to pull her away but she has vengeance set in. Aubrey is enticed and drunk, unable to help anyone. She barely can keep her head up. I look at Grayson who's on the verge of tears. Lord, please don't let him cry right now.
Diane has Lizzie's hair in her hands before I can react and they are fighting. The bloody towel no longer useful. Mrs. Otello is at the table in minutes and I have to think fast. Luke can't get a good grip on Diane and Lizzie isn't letting up her grip.
My mind goes blank and I punch Diane right in the mouth. She stumbles back, falling into Luke's arms. There's yelling and cursing and crying. My Grayson. Terrified and I can't console him. The gash in my fist leaks blood, too much blood. I'll need stitches.
I'm pulling Lizzie away, ignoring my own pain.
"Mrs. Otello, please get Grayson. I need to clean Lizzie up." I say, urgency seeping out of me. She nods, clearly wanting to diffuse this entire situation.
"Can you believe that bitch! Showing up here, claiming Luke as her own?!" Lizzie shouts. Her voice bounces off the walls. My ears hurt. I run water on the gash in her hand, trying to see how bad the glass cut her.
"You're going to need stitches. You want me to take you to the hospital?"
"No, I'll drive my damn self. Did you see me? I hit her right in her stupid head. Did you see me?"
She's crying now. I don't know if it's hormones or the impact from the event.
"You did good, I seen you."
I kiss her forehead and hold her close. She shakes in my arms, tears ripping through the room. Pain.
I'm grateful I wore red, hopefully the blood just blends in. My own hand hurts like hell but I have to ignore it.
"Listen, you got this. Pull yourself together, you have someone growing and depending on you. You have to pull yourself together. I can drive you to the hospital or you can take yourself but we have to get your hand stitched up."
I've never been good at taking control of situations but I'm doing pretty good.
"Take me please."
She's so small in my arms, not physically but definitely mentally. I'm heart broken for her. Without exchanging another word, we make our way to the valet and he grabs my car. I'll have to ask mom to grab Grayson. He doesn't need to see anymore of this bullshit. I wish I didn't have to see any of it.
Lizzie is slumped over in the passenger seat, tears draining from her like a stormy day. I can't imagine what she's going through but I can imagine the hurt. You never expect the person you love to hurt you. It's just what happens and you have to heal and rebuild. I haven't done much rebuilding but I've definitely allowed healing. Hopefully, she can accomplish both for the sake of her little one.

I pick at my bandage, waiting for the pain meds to kick in. Lizzie was under a lot of stress when we arrived at the hospital so the doctors gave her something to relax her. She fell asleep instantly, allowing them to stitch and clean her up. My stitches hurt like hell but I couldn't avoid getting them. I'm exhausted. Tonight was crazy and I keep replaying the events in my head. Mrs. Otello said she would meet me at the hospital to drop Grayson off so I'm playing the waiting game. I feel guilty leaving him with strangers but I had to act fast and Mrs. Otello did alright with her boys. Never again though.
"Hey, how is she?"
Luke sits in the chair beside me, fear in his eyes.
"She's okay. They gave her meds to relax her. She'll be fine for now." I say, shrugging.
"I'm sorry. I'm fucked up Danielle. Things were good until they weren't, you know?"
I do and I don't.
"Who's that woman and why are you even entertaining her?"
"She makes me feel..I don't know. Lizzie has been distant."
"That's your excuse? This could've been so much worse tonight. Pregnancy takes a toll on you and instead of being there, you're out fucking God knows who."
I'm angry. The meds have kicked in and I feel loose. Invincible even. The tiles on the floor move around me.
"I-I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologizing to me? You owe her an apology and you need to fix this shit. This was a mess. I left my son. My fucking hand hurts. My best friend is under too much stress. Fuck."
He looks surprised with my tone. I'm just as surprised but I have to hold my composure.
"I'll fix this, you trust me? I promise I'll fix this."
He pulls me into his arms and I have no choice but to hug him back. I've missed him so much. He'll fix this, he's always been a great man. This is just a stump in their road.
"Ah nah, you the mistress too?" Joe has a stupid smirk on his face and Grayson in his arms. He's slumped over, clearly sleeping. Aubrey is no where to be found. Surprisingly.
"Man, fuck off." Luke stands up and heads toward Lizzie's room. He gives me a small nod and I nod back. My focus goes back to Grayson in Joe's arms.
"Where's your mom?"
"She had to go home. She said to bring Grayson here. I changed his diaper and he knocked out immediately. How's the hand?"
"It's a hand."
I take Grayson and he's dead weight in my arms. I need to steady myself so I can get us home. I'm just as tired now.
"You looked bad ass. I've never seen you do anything like that."
I laugh, "I've never seen you change a diaper. We are different people now."
"We are."
He sits beside me, letting out a big sigh. We're silent. My heart is thumping too loud in my ears and I have to focus on the files to block it out.
"He's amazing, I can't believe you had a baby."
"Me either but he is something special. He gives me the live I never thought I needed."
"How does Derrick help out?"
Derrick. He's fishing for answer. I don't have them, especially not now. I can't even think of lies.
"He doesn't. I don't need help."
"Of course. You're doing great."
"Well thank you."
I'm dizzy and overwhelmed. Silence. It's so loud right now. I'm at lost for words.
"I better get going, tell your mom I said thanks, okay?"
"Yeah will do."
I stand and steady myself. I'm so tired, sleep is calling me. Thank God Grayson is asleep.
I turn back to Joe, his mouth fixed to say something.
"I-never mind."
I nod. Some things are best left unsaid.

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