Chapter Eighteen

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Morning comes quicker than I expected and work seems to need me more than ever now. My hand is throbbing and my head feels full. The meds I was prescribed sit on my nightstand, waiting to take away this pain. Last night is a blur and I thank God for that. I'm tired. Too tired for work and definitely too tired to interact with clients. Diane has called me multiple times about photography situations, all things that she could handle but clearly needed a second opinion. I groan loud, pop two muscle relaxers and sit up. The water quenches my thirst and cools my head down.
The noise in the kitchen lets me know mom has dropped the kids off and headed back already. Hopefully she cooked breakfast, I'm starving.
"Good Morning, sleepyhead. I heard you had a long night." Mom says, sliding a plate across the island.
"A very long night, what birdie told you?"
"Mrs. Alexander called this morning, I'm still not used to her name change, you know? She just wanted to check on you and Grayson."
I nod, taking a bite of my toast. That was very considerate of her. There's roses and a box of chocolate on the counter, a card tucked inside.
"Mom, who sent you flowers?"
"Me? Are you kidding? You know those are for you. The card is very heartfelt."
I scrunch up my nose, taking the card in my hands. The paper is like a fancy fabric, elegance at most.

Beautiful, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Roses and chocolates to start your day right. Please call me.

~ AJ

Mom is wiggling her eyebrows and I snort a laugh. How'd he even get my address? He's a very apologetic man, I must say. The roses are beautiful and the chocolates have a beautiful packaging.
"Mom, do you think I should call him? I mean..I don't know. I feel like he doesn't deserve a second chance."
"Well...little one, everyone deserves a chance. It just depends on if you're willing to give it out. Maybe he's what you've been missing."
"I haven't been missing anything."
"Oh, really? So all this time you've been okay with your lack of a love life?"
This time we're both laughing, memories of her finding my dildo still vibrating makes me blush. She's right in so many ways. I should've never asked. Getting answers you don't want sucks to the core.
I dial the number and I wait. If he's not worth it, he won't answer the phone. Amen.
"Hey's me. Umm you want to meet for lunch today?"
"Of course, what time?"
"I have things to do at work so does 3 work?"
"It does. Anytime works, If it's to see you. Did you receive my gift?"
"I did..thank you."
"Good. I'm going to get back to work. See you at 3, beautiful."
"See you."

Mom is smiling. I roll my eyes and stuff breakfast into my face. She's always right when I want her to be wrong. I don't know what I would do without her.

I feel like I've been shooting pictures all day. We've had several models and some family photos to complete. I've missed work but the flash is hurting my head beyond repair. My hand hurts like hell and I wish I could pop some pain pills. Lunch time rolls around slowly. I grab my keys and phone, portfolio tucked under my arm in case I have time to work. I'm nervous about meeting AJ because I don't know what I should say or how I should act. It's not like we were dating, he just went down on me and devoured me like a buffet. Obviously, that meant something but I guess I'll have to find out.

The restaurant is slightly crowded when I enter but finding AJ is no problem. His teeth gleam at me as he waves me over. Someone is excited to see me.
We hug and he kisses my cheek, "You look beautiful."
I'm dressed in a pink tight skirt with a white shirt and black blazer, far from beautiful in my opinion.
"You look nice. Have you ordered yet?"
"I ordered mimosas, I thought you'd like one. What happened to your hand?"
"Long story and a long night really. How's the bar going?"
Diversion has always been my expertise. I don't even want to remember those details. I'll have to go see Lizzie today, I'm sure she'd love good company. AJ talks about the bar and I zone out listening to him. His face is full of passion and emotion as he describes everything that happened. The results of him having to ignore me with only the thought of his mouth on me. My legs feel weak thinking about it. I really need to calm my hormones down but I don't know where to start.
"So about that night..I had a great time, I wasn't trying to make a move that fast. I just kept imagining what you would taste like and I couldn't hold back." He licks his lips. I try to distract myself with my salad but I'm blushing. My panties feel wet. I want him all over again.
"Well, I hope you enjoyed the taste. You won't be getting anymore of this." We laugh, my cheeks warm.
"I did but don't make those types of threats. I could take you right here. This food isn't that good anyways."
I'm in shock, wet, but definitely in shock.
"You wouldn't."
"You don't think so?"
The restaurant isn't full but there's still people seated around us. He wouldn't.
My mouth feels dry and I guzzle my mimosa. Bottomless mimosas are never a good idea but always the right idea.
"Anyways, are you having a good day?"
Diversion Princess. He chuckles, sipping his mimosa. His lips are wet and my hormones are raging. What's in this mimosa? Sex? His phone vibrates and flips it over, ignoring whoever needs his attention.
"I'm glad you gave me a second chance. I won't mess this up. I promise."
"Who said anything about second chances?"
He slides closer to me in the both, his hand on my thigh. It feels like I'm sweating bullets.
"I mean, you're here. That has to mean something."
"Yeah, it means I like food and drinks at 3 o clock on a busy work day."
I giggle and he laughs, his hand foundling the bottom of my skirt. How does he have this effect on me? Why are my hormones neglecting me at this moment?
"Say what you want, but I think it's a second chance. You deserve to be wined and dined..on"
Lord, please hold me together.
If I could run, I would. My soaked panties are holding me here. His fingers, now all the way up my skirt, rub the outside of my panties. The waiter comes over, a smile on her face. I try to smile back but I know my face looks stupid.
"Everything okay over here? Can I get you guys anything else?"
"Everything is great, thank you. Maybe your best dessert for two?" AJ says. He doesn't break a seat or flinch but I'm shit right now.
"No problem, you guys are a cute couple."
"Thank you." I muster, a smile finally forming. She walks off and AJ chuckles. This man is pure evil.
"You okay, beautiful. You seek worked up."
I roll my eyes, I refuse to let him have this advantage over me.
"I'm fine, actually. How about your remove your hand?"
"Do you want me to?"
Can I divert a question? He'll just ask again. I should say no but my lady parts is screaming yes. Silence has to be the best option.
"I-" My throat is dry.
"Open your legs for me."
Without thinking, they slide apart. His fingers slide the lace to the side, revealing my true feelings. His smirk is pure satisfaction. He rubs my softly, our eyes locked. I grab his hand but I'm too weak to stop this amazing feeling. I'm throbbing.
"We are in public." I whisper.
"Who's watching us baby?"
I look around and indeed no one is looking. I try hold in my moans but I can't. They come out soft and eager.
"S-stop. We're in public." My teeth are clenched. I want to push everything off this table and let him bend me over.
He slides his hand out and sticks two fingers in his mouth, sucking them while he looks at me.
"You're nasty and you're trying to pull me into your corrupt world."
We laugh, "I'm nasty for you. Corrupt? I thought that was pure pleasure. You taste good."
"Better than the mimosas?"
"Hold on, let me get a second taste."
Before I can stop him, he's under the table. WHAT IS GOING ON?
I feel him spread my legs and then my panties are to the side. His warm breathe kisses up my legs until he's breathing on my uncontrollable lady parts. The waiter is walking toward us with two lava cakes in her hand. Focus, Danielle.
"Where'd he run off too? Here are your desserts." She slides them toward me with a smile.
"He went to the r-restroom."
A warm mouth sucks my clit and I'm fighting to keep serious with her.
"Ah-you're a lucky girl. He's handsome"
I can just imagine the smirk on AJ's face.
"Thank you." I nod. She nods, turning to leave. AJ finds my spot and sucks vigorously. I'm shaking and fighting to hold in my moans. How did I even get in this position. My legs feel numb. A moan escapes my lips a little too loud and a guy three tables over looks at me with curiosity. I try to push AJ away and he's holding my wrists in place.
"AJ, I'm-I-I'm going to cum." I say through clenched teeth.
Before I know it, I'm a shaking mess and he's licking every drop up.
My breathing is heavy and I feel weak. My panties are slid back over and my skirt readjusted.
What a gentleman. I roll my eyes, leaning against the booth. The table cloth lifts and I'm staring at a wet, yet handsome, face. He smirks and I can feel the satisfaction seeping through him. I guzzle my mimosa, staring at him. What do I say? Thank you? I'm at a lost for words.
"I couldn't help myself." He interrupts. The dessert no longer looks appealing to me. I need a nap or something.
"I have to go, can I call you?"
Standing up makes me woozy and I have to hold the table.
"That's fine. I'll miss you beautiful."
I kiss his cheek and gather my stuff. That was beyond my comprehension. I feel like a mess sitting in my car. My phone vibrates, a digital invitation comes through.

You are invited to a celebration of LOVE: Joe & Aubrey
Tying the knot!

I click off before even looking at the date. That's definitely the last thing I want to see right now. I need a distraction from all of this.

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