Murder flowers- I mean Hanahaki AU, yay

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A/N: Trigger warning for angst, and well uh- coughing up blood and flowers. I mean it's hanahaki, it's usually pretty depressing.

Crescent shifted uncomfortably. Gradient had been staring at him, completely silent for over 5 minutes. 

Which wasn't exactly the greatest reaction to get from someone you'd just confessed your feelings to.

Gradient's emotions were hard to read at the moment. They kept changing too rapidly to tell what he felt.

What does that mean? Does he feel the same way or not?

"I'll, um... I'll just go," he said softly, glancing at the ground before quickly turning away and walking away.

He didn't look back to see if Gradient was following him. He didn't want the other to see his face.

He eventually found a quiet empty place and slide down against the wall, curling up into a ball.

He wasn't crying. He- he didn't do crying. He was upset for sure, he wouldn't deny that.

Crescent felt stupid and embarrassed. 

What had he been thinking? Of course, Gradient didn't feel that way. He and Crescent rarely talked to each other except during class, when they absolutely had to.

He barely knew him, and for some stupid reason decided to confess to him. 

But at the same time, he'd been scared that if he waited too long he might lose his chance.

Crescent sighed softly. He shouldn't assume the worse. Maybe Gradient just needed some time to think.

Yes, that was probably it... They would see each other on Monday, and maybe Gradient would have an answer by then.

On Monday, however, Crescent started feeling so sick, he almost wanted to just stay home that day. 

His dad made him go anyway. He'd said that he was working so hard for Crescent and all his brothers to have a proper education, that it wasn't fair for him not to go to school. 

He knew that was just his father's way of getting him to stop bothering him when he found a source of negativity, but Crescent listened anyway. His dad was right.

Besides, he needed to get the answer to his confession, and there was less of a chance he'd get ignored if he met up with Gradient in person.

So off he went, opening a portal and heading to his first class of the day. 

He wouldn't see Gradient until his third class, after lunch, unless they met in the halls before that. Which meant that he'd have to wait several hours until he could get his answer.

That sick feeling returned, and Crescent tried to ignore it as he did his classwork.


"Hey, are you Crescent?" He looked up from his half-eaten sandwich.

"Um, yes. And you are...?"

"I'm Gradient's brother, Paperjam, but most people just call me PJ," the other explained.

"Oh," Crescent said softly, "I didn't know he had a brother..." PJ hummed in response, before sitting next to him.

"My brother's pretty shy, so he asked me to talk to you for him," he said. 

"Okay..." he replied. The other frowned, giving Crescent a strange look and a weird mix of emotions.

"We're kinda opposites, me and Gradient," PJ said, before sighing. "You know what, I'm just gonna be blunt. He doesn't know how to react to your confession. Sometimes when he doesn't want to hurt someone's feelings, he just kinda shuts himself off from the rest of the world..."

Crescent x Gradient OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now