This one might be weird but I am proud of it, so you can't judge

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A/N: I don't know what this is. I came up with this while on 3am brain energy, so just- gO wItH tHe FlOw- Also, when a character doesn't know the gender of another, we use they/them


Crescent stumbled through the woods, one hand on the tree beside him as he tried to find his way around. For those wondering, it was not working.

Most would describe the woods as quiet, save for the occasional hoot of an owl, the howl of a wolf or the sound of branches breaking as Crescent stepped on them by mistake.

It was probably late at night, so he technically shouldn't be out, but he wasn't going to stick around with that stranger any longer.

He was supposed to be alone in the house. His dad explicitly said so. He said trusted him to be alone for a few hours, which was the first time he was doing so since the accident.

Then, a woman showed up an hour later at the door claiming his dad had sent her.

Crescent played along for a little, letting her follow him around the house, before getting her to let him call the neighbours by saying their son was his best friend and he wanted to check up on him.

She stayed in the room, so he had to use vague comments while pretending to have a conversation until the neighbours finally understood and said they'd call his dad and the police. They said that, in the meantime, he had to find a way out of the house. So he did.

He said he wanted to have dinner in his room. She seemed way too eager to make it, in Crescent's opinion, since she only agreed to his request after Crescent said she could make him dinner instead of the refrigerated food his dad left him. As soon as he was sure she was gone, he made his way to the window and climbed out.

Which lead him to here, lost in the woods with no idea where he was.

But if he didn't know where he was, then neither did that woman. Therefore, he was safe.

At least until the wolves found him.

"What do you think you're doing here?"

Crescent flinched, nearly tumbling over and he turned toward the direction of the voice.


"You're trespassing," they said. "This is my property."

He blinked, pulling his hand away from the tree he was leaning against and fiddling with his phalanges nervously.

"I'm sorry, someone's in my house and- and I just kinda ran. I don't know where I am," he explained. The other hummed softly.

"I could leave them outside... or I could kill them for trespassing," they said under their breath. Unfortunately, Crescent had really good hearing.

"I can- I can just go," he started.

"Do you really think I'll forgive you for what you've done?!" they snapped, suddenly getting angry.

"Look, I didn't know, I swear-"

"What do you mean you didn't know?! My house isn't even that far, you can see it from here!"

"Most people might," he grumbled, slightly offended.

"What was that?"

"I said most people might," he repeated.

"The frick is that supposed to mean?"

"Well, what do you think?!"

"You- you are coming with me," they said, grabbing onto his arm and pulling him along.

Crescent x Gradient OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now