Blog #1

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As of now, I have a feeling that characterization will not be a problem because of his acting background. I want to focus on day one of trying to make a lesson plan, seeing what needs the most work, and picking 2 or 3 goals to achieve by the end of the 10 weeks. I have a feeling that breath and proper breathing will be a goal. I will try to teach memorization techniques as well as techniques to learn tricky sections with the best outcome to getting the piece learned. 

I think the listening part will be the trickiest for me. Picking out music based on their voice, their tessitura, finding their tessitura, figuring their vocal range, and other things like that. I have always had a hard time trusting my ears so I need to personally work on that, I'm afraid to make a mistake because of something I did. 

I'm looking forward to bonding with my student. I'm also looking forward to helping the student with problems they might have and working through them together, in a sense. 

I think seeing/hearing similar problems to the student may help me when someone else describes the problem and how they solved it. I also might understand certain problems more when working it out with/on someone else. 

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