The House Party

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Missy and her two best friends Gracelyn and Sima were at a party and some people were drinking. Missy's boyfriend Trace was completely wasted and took her hand and said, "Let's go in the bedroom." Missy: "For what?" Trace: "You'll see." Gracelyn: "No. Missy, you don't have to do that." Sima: "Yeah. He's really wasted. He might want to have sex with you." Missy: "So what? We can do what we want. He's my boyfriend." Gracelyn: "For like a week!" Sima: "Yeah, Missy. Besides, you're only a freshman in high school."
Trace: "Shut up!" Missy: "Hey! Trace! Don't talk to my friends that way!" Trace: "Sorry..aheh...anyways let's go, baby." Missy looked at her friends who were nodding their heads aggressively. Missy: "I'll be right back I promise."

She ran off in the bedroom with Trace and they did exactly what Sima and Gracelyn suspected. As Trace was completely wasted and Missy being young and immature she didn't see a problem, doing it without protection. It was just one time right?

After Missy and Trace got out of the bedroom Trace's friends Chance and Devlin looked at her and laughed at Trace. Chance: "Yo. Isn't that that loser Clinton Mahon's sister." Devlin: "Yikes..." All three of them laughed. Missy: "Hey! Don't talk about my brother like that and Trace, don't laugh at them, they're not funny!" Trace: "Oh, I'm sorry baby." Missy stormed off. Meanwhile Trace and his friends continued laughing.

When Missy got back to her friends. Sima grabbed Missy's shoulder and asked, "Are you okay? What did you guys do?" Missy: "I'm fine. I just don't like Trace's friends." Gracelyn: "I don't like any of them to be honest." Missy: "Well you guys are going to hate this but we did it." Sima threw her head back. "Missy...seriously!?" Gracelyn: "You at least used protection I hope." Missy grimaced and shook her head. Both Sima and Gracelyn's mouths dropped. Sima: "Missy! That's so bad! You're not even on birth control." Missy: "It'll be fine okay? It was just one time." Gracelyn: "It does matter. Sometimes one time is all it takes." Missy: "Well, it's too late now. I-I'm sure it'll be fine!" Gracelyn shrugged. "Well, I guess we'll find out."

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