Bullies' Last Day

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Clinton still could not come to terms with the fact that his little sister was gone. She was all he had after cutting ties with their grandparents. He was overwhelmed and sick of everyone who bullied him and his sister, the fact that Gracelyn and Sima backstabbed Missy and pulled away from her, and the fact that people made inconsiderate comments after her death such as "It's not my fault." They couldn't even give their condolences. This was the end for Clinton. He wanted to shatter everyone's dreams, who ruined his life. So this was when he made the hardest, most reckless choice of his life. He took his dad's gun, which was promised to him following his dad's death, and went to school late, to give everyone enough time to be there.

When Clinton arrived he went to Principal Tweed's office. Principal Tweed: "Excuse me, Mr. Mahon you're late." Clinton: "Shut up. Let me use the intercom." Principal Tweed: "Excuse me?" Clinton pointed the gun at her head. Clinton: "Let me use it. Or you will die. Your choice." Principal Tweed: "Okay..okay...you can u-use it.." she started crying and shaking. Clinton removed the gun from her head. Clinton: "Thank you. Don't even try to leave or I will shoot." Principal Tweed: "Okay..." Clinton pressed the button and said, "Good morning, Holland High school. I have an announcement to make, Principal Tweed isn't here at the moment, but I was told to make the announcement for her since it's urgent. Will the following students please report to the office: Gracelyn Bowman, Sima McClain, Trace Mandela, Devlin Ziminsky, Rochelle Ackerman, Avianna Glynn, and ALL THE WINTER KIDS." As Principal Tweed lay on the floor crying Clinton yelled, "Shut up. Stop crying. Get in your closet." Principal Tweed: "No. No, Clinton, no. I will not let you shoot all these students. Shoot me before them. Please, Clinton." Clinton: "I don't have time for this." He dragged Principal Tweed into the closet and locked it. Clinton: "You better be quiet when the students get here. If you make one sound I'm shooting all of them. If you stay quiet I'll let them go."

As soon as everyone got to the office Clinton shut the door and locked it from the inside. Devlin: Why'd you look the door?" Kana: "Where's the principal?" Clinton: "BE QUIET!...I will do the talking here." Everyone looked concerned. As Clinton walked around the room shaking his head and sarcastically laughing, he said, "Well, ain't it nice to have each of you, all in one place...you know, things haven't been the easiest for my sister or I growing up. Losing both parents, moving in with mentally abusive grandparents, and getting hurt by you guys in the process...then losing the only person I had left...Missy...you know Missy was the only one who understood me...sure we fought like every other sibling would...but at the end of the day she was the ONLY person who cared for me, the only person who knew how I felt, and more importantly the only person who ever stood up for me...she was my best friend...my baby sister...my ONLY sibling...and even if we weren't close, she was MY SISTER...and she's now gone...all because of you people. Now I'm alone, and none of you took accountability...but it's all okay, because...that ends today. I'm getting justice for my sister, as well as my mental health." He reached into his bag and slowly brought out his gun. Clinton: "Who's at the bottom now?" He fired multiple shots gunning down Chance, Kana, and Devlin. The rest of them ran around the office screaming, trying to get help. Principal Tweed escaped from inside the closet and yelled, "YOU LIED TO ME!" Clinton turned around and shot Principal Tweed, when Principal Tweed hit the ground she landed next to Rochelle. So with that he fired at Rochelle. Avianna screamed in tears, "ROCHELLE!" Clinton turned to Avianna and shot her. As everyone else lay on the floor panicking, Clinton slowly walked toward Trace. As he got close enough he whispered about an inch from his face, "You disgust me, Trace." Trace: "Look, Clint...I-I I don't know what to say-I...I really am sorry about the way I treated you and your sister. I wish I could take back her death I really could..." Clinton: "Well, go tell my sister that." He then released the gun on Trace five times. After Trace went down he grabbed Demi's leg and pulled her out from under the desk. "Last Winter kid to be born, last Winter kid to die." He shot Demi three times. Clinton: "Well, Sima and Gracelyn. I hate to do this to you guys, but you're just like one of them now. You left my sister when she needed you most." Sima: "Please..please don't hurt us." Gracelyn: "Yeah, please. We will do anything for you. Just please don't shoot. Missy wouldn't want that." Clinton: "Unfortunately Missy is not here to make that decision...but maybe she would be...had you two not left her in the dust." He lifted his gun and fired multiple bullets at the two girls until they went down.

After gunning all of them down, someone started banging on the door. Clinton: "GO AWAY!" The banging then got louder, and soon the people knocking were able to get in. It was four cops. One said, "Hey! Are you armed!?" Clinton: "Why would you think that?" Another said, "We're not playing, kid. We got multiple calls from people saying they heard gunshots and when we arrived we heard more from this room. You're the only one standing. Put your hands up." Clinton: "Okay, I have a gun in my bag. I shot all the people in this room. I wanted justice for my sister." The cops went through Clinton's bag and confiscated the weapon. He was then detained and taken to jail.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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