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        It had been over a month since the party and Missy missed her period. She has had a heavily increased appetite, and mood swings. Her friends started to worry about her. Sima: "Missy, you never eat this much." Missy: "Excuse me? Are you calling me fat?" Sima: "No! Missy! I would never! I'm saying you never used to get this hungry." Gracelyn: "I agree, and you usually don't get angry this easily too. Your moods have been very black and white lately. Is everything okay?" Missy: "Uh. Yeah? I think so." Sima: "Missy, you can tell us anything. What's going on?" Missy: "Nothing! At least I don't think...I mean I guess I'm a little scared because I missed my time of the month. It was supposed to be like three weeks ago, and now that I think about it, you're right. I have been eating more often and I have been moody." Gracelyn and Sima looked at each other nervously. Missy: "Guys, please don't tell me I'm pregnant." Gracelyn grimaced and said, "'s not impossible...if your period was due three weeks ago, and you have these unusual withdrawals after having unprotected sex...I'm sorry to say it, but it very well could mean you're pregnant." Sima: "Yeah, Gracelyn's right. You should go to the doctors as soon as possible." Missy put her head down and cried. Her friends both comforted her and told her they'd be there for her no matter what happened.

          As the girls finished their lunch, Demi; the most popular girl in school, and her friends Rochelle and Avianna approached their table. Demi: "Well, if it isn't Missy Mahon. The girl who's having a baby with my brother's best friend." She and her friends laugh. Rochelle: "Ew. Isn't she Clinton's sister?" Avianna: "Ugh...Clinton is such a loser..." Missy: "Hey! Don't talk about my brother or anyone in my family!" Demi: "We just did." Missy slammed her hands down, got up in Demi's face and said, "I'm serious, Demi. DON'T play with me." Demi: "Go ahead. Hit me. I dare you. You wanna kill your baby?" Rochelle and Avianna laughed. Missy: "Don't think I'll tolerate you two either." Demi: "I have two twin siblings in the twelfth grade mind you. Chance will take Clinton down and my sister Kana will take you down if you touch me." Gracelyn grabbed Missy's arm. Gracelyn: "Come on, Missy it's not worth it." As Missy's friends pulled her away from Demi, Missy hollered, "Well at least I don't paint myself out to be the most beautiful girl in school where every guy wants me. Must suck being a hoe!" Gracelyn and Sima both went "SHHH! Missy!" Meanwhile Demi and her friends stood there in horror. They could not believe the words that had just came out of Missy's mouth.

When Missy got home from school Clinton started asking questions. Clinton: "Okay so you've been overly quiet and seemingly angry lately. What's going on?" Missy: "I don't know what you're talking about." Clinton: "Missy, come on now don't act stupid." Missy: "I'm NOT acting ANY type of way. Why does it matter anyways you're like the definition of quiet and upset." Clinton: "Yeah, but that's my personality. You aren't usually this stressed out. Just tell me what's going on. We only have each other." Missy: "'s just...people at school." Clinton: " who?" Missy: "Demi Winter and her stupid friends." Clinton: "Oh. The Winters suck. I'm in the same grade as Chance and Kana. They say stuff to me all the time." Missy: "Yes, but...they might be right about what they're saying to me this time..." Clinton: "What's that supposed to mean?" Missy: "I have to tell you something and you're not going to like it. I might be pregnant." Clinton: "What? Missy stop playing you're fifteen." Missy: "I don't know, Clint...I've missed my female time and I've been having a lot of symptoms." Clinton sighed. Clinton: "Well...I'll drive you to the doctors and we can figure it out from there I guess. Who would you even be pregnant from anyways?" Missy: "Well you're going to hate this even more...Remember the house party I went to with Gracelyn and Sima? Well I kind of slept with Trace Mandela." Clinton's mouth dropped. Clinton: "TRACE!? Are you kidding me, Missy. What were you thinking!?" Missy: "We were talking for a while before that." Clinton: "No. Missy, absolutely not. First of all he's three years older than you. Second, he and Chance Winter are best friends. All they ever do is pick on me and they never treat ANY women they date right. I should know." Missy: "Yeah. He hasn't been responding to me lately." Clinton: "Because all he wants is a one night stand! He's a loser. Now let's go to the doctor's."


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