Joyful Disease

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So I thought of this while listening to gypsy bard and happy face:-------------------------------------- It's a virus thing that can make people "joyful" (aka psychotic)

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So I thought of this while listening to gypsy bard and happy face:
It's a virus thing that can make people "joyful" (aka psychotic).

The outfits are changed. They turn into bright colors with a smile face on it. And the victim starts crying a black liquid from their eyes.

How do you become joyful?:

It's like the fnf corruption. It can spread if a joyful person touches you, but it has to be like hugging or even choking the victim.
It doesn't spread as rapidly though. It doesn't spread through sound waves as well.

There are eight stages before becoming completely joyful:

1. Attacked by a joyful.

2. Constantly giggling, even during serious moments.

2. You start crying a black liquid.

3. You start seeing bright colors and smiles all around you.

4. Uncontrollable giggling turns into laughter.

5. Your outfit becomes bright and colorful.

6. You're smiling a bit too much.

7. The colors are even brighter and the smiles you see are wider and smudged.

8. You're joyful.


(Yeah it's hard to explain... I tried my best.)

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