Chapter 2

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AUTHORS NOTE: Heyyyy everyone! Welcome to chapter 2! I am incredibly sorry for the delay. School has been tough lately and I havn't gotten around to writing. I finally got this chapter finished though! Stay tuned for chapter 3! Don't forget to follow my instagram taron_thescrambledeggsy

My mind was spinning. Am I going crazy? I thought. Like what the hell!? This couldn't be real life. All of a sudden I heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Y/N are you okay?" Carmen asked. "I saw you run to the bathroom. Are you sick?" "No I-." I was trying to get my words together but I was just too in shock. "I-I saw him-Taron. This isn't real life is it. Oh my god am I dead?!" "Hey calm down. No you are not dead." Carmen said. "But we need to get off of the bus. We're at college." I slowly opened the bathroom door and walked out. "I can't believe I acted like that right in front of him! He probably thinks I'm crazy! "No, he doesn't think you're crazy." Carmen said as we were walking to the front entrance. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, he asked if you were okay." Said Carmen. "I said yes that you were, you were just a little starstruck." "A little?" I said harshly. "Carmen I literally ran to the bathroom and locked myself in it! On a bloody train too!" "Okay lets just calm down and go to our dorm to get everything set up." I nodded in agreement. As we were walking to find our dorm, I kept thinking about what I could've done differently. What if I didn't run into the bathroom and stayed. What if we had a proper chat and we became friends. Oh god Y/N you really messed up this time. Carmen and I finally found our dorm. We unlocked the door and walked into a somewhat spacious room. "Alright I'm going to get my room all set up." Said Carmen. I decided to do the same thing. The first things I wanted to put up were my new posters of Taron. I specifically bought them to go into my dorm room. As I was putting up the last poster of Taron, I began to it. "I can't believe I saw you on the train. You probably think I'm some weirdo. Hah! I bet you are going to go on your Twitter and talk about the crazy lady you saw on the train. No wait I bet-." I got cut off by Carmen startling me. "Uhhh Y/N. What the hell are you doing?" "Shit Carmen! At least knock first! I said. "Also I was just hanging up my posters. "It looked like more than just hanging up posters." Carmen said suspiciously. "It seemed as if you were talking to them." "Uh what I uh- no I wasn't talking to them." I said. "Mhmmmm." Said Carmen. "Anyways, do you wanna check out the theater?" I nodded my head in agreement. As I was about to walk out the dorm door, I got a Twitter notification. "OOH!" I said a little too loud. "What is it Y/N?" Asked Carmen. I didn't answer her because I was too focused on trying to unlock my phone from excitement. As I finally got onto Twitter I started to read what he posted. "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL." I screamed. "Jesus Y/N chill out!" Carmen said. "What happened?" I couldn't believe what the tweet said. Taron Egerton Tweeted: "Excited to be at Wales Acting University! Can't wait to teach the future stars a thing or two:)" "Well what is it?" Carmen begged. "Telllll meeeeee!" I couldn't contain my excitement. I was jumping up and down as I told her. "Remember when you said there would be a small actor coming to visit our class?" "Yeah." Carmen said, confused. "Well Carm, that actor is Taron! He is going to be here! Look!." I showed her the tweet on my phone. "Shit, that's cool!" Stated Carmen. All of a sudden, I remembered my experience with him on the train. "No no no. He's not gonna want to talk to me after what happened. Ugh, that was so embarrassing." "Y/N chill!" Carmen said putting a hand on my shoulder. "It's alright. Just relax. Come on, let's go check out the theater." I was so excited! But also extremely nervous. I really hope he forgot about the situation. We finally found the theater in the college. "Alright. Let's check this place out." Said Carmen. She pulled on the door. It didn't open. "Aww man." I said. "It must be locked." "I guess we have to wait until tomorrow." Carmen said sadly. "No need to wait until tomorrow! I've got keys!" Somebody said. Something seemed awfully familiar about that voice. As I turned around I froze. Carmen looked at me laughing her head off. "Well say something silly! He can't read your mind." This time I wasn't going to run. I started to open my mouth. "H-h-hiiiiiii." I said this like an idiot. I was smiling so big. I couldn't stop smiling that it hurt. "Hello!" Taron said. God his accent is so bloody hot. I thought. "I guess there's no need to introduce myself, it seems you already know who I am because you're on my shirt. And well uh, the incident on the train." He chuckled. My face turned red as he said this. I laughed awkwardly. "She loves you so so much Taron." Carmen said. "She just doesn't know how to react." "I mean I wouldn't blame her. She was literally talking to a poster that had YOUR face on it." "Carm!" I said. "You don't need to creep out the guy." I started to calm down a bit once the feeling of seeing Taron in person started to settle in "So uh, what are you doing here Taron?" I asked. "Well, I'm here to give the new drama students a lesson on acting. After that, I'm going to go visit my family for the rest of the week and then I have to head back to London to start filming Testament Of Youth." "Oh thats cool" I said vaguely. I literally had no idea what to say to him. I was still completely in shock! "Well I'm going to leave you two alone." Carmen said. I really didn't feel comfortable being alone with someone I just met but I didn't want to be rude. So I just nodded my head and waved goodbye to her. I felt really awkward just standing in the middle of the theater doors with Taron Egerton standing with me. I noticed Taron looking longingly at me. I blushed at this. "You have beautiful eyes.....uhhh wait you never gave me your name!" Taron said. "Oh right!" I chuckled. "My name is Y/N L/N" "Wow" Taron gushed. "That is a beautiful name." I smiled at his statement. He was so sweet. "Awh thank you Taron!." I said. "As I was saying." Taron said." "You have beautiful eyes Y/N. They light up the whole room." Taron completed that statement with the most beautiful smile in the world. I was blushing really hard now. "Taron, that is super sweet. Nobody has ever said anything like that about me before." I said, smiling back. Does he have a crush on me? I thought. He couldn't possibly! We've only just met! All of a sudden, Taron pulled out his phone. "Would you like my number to hang out sometime." He said. "I was thinking after class tomorrow, we could go for a drink. I would love to get to know you more!" I was in complete shock. Taron asking me to have a drink with him?! AND he wants to get to know me better? I couldn't say no to this. "Yes!" I replied happily. "I would love too!" "Great!" Taron replied "I'll see you then Y/N!" He waved goodbye and started to walk away when I remembered I don't drink. "Taron wait!" I called out. Taron spun around with that gorgeous smile on his face. "Something wrong?" He said. "I forgot that I don't drink. Could we maybe go somewhere else?" I asked. "Yeah of course!" Taron said happily. "My auntie has a cafe in Aber. It's only 30 minutes away. Would you like to go there?" "I would love to Taron." I said. "Great! I will see you then!" Taron called out as he was walking away. I can't believe it. I'm friends with Taron Egerton. 

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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Sincerely, Yours (NOT COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon