***Author's Update***

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Hi everyone! Probably to all of your surprise, I'm alive!

I honestly did not expect Being Neighborly or this sequel to get any traction. Writing this story was just something for me to do after I graduated college and had no plans for the summer until my job started in the fall... that was back in 2019.

My life has been crazy since then. Working full time at a corporate office, trying to survive through this pandemic, a LOT of personal growth and hurdles to get over, and finally quitting my job to go back to grad school after 2 years has really been eating up any creative time. I did not think anyone would be reading my writing and actually enjoying it enough to want more so that's why I never updated. Apparently, I was very wrong.

I just started working at a library part time for some extra money while I finish my Master's, so once I get settled with my schedule I might go back to writing and (hopefully) finish this story and give you all the ending it deserves.

It may take some time though, the notes I had for when I was actively writing were lost when my old computer died on me so I have to basically start from scratch and try to remember what I had planned for this book. If you all are patient with me, I promise to get this done! What I can't promise, though, are regular updates since I need to focus on school. I've also been trying to enjoy any free time I do get by reading (duh I work at a library now) and try to hang out with my friends since the last 2 years really took that away from me (and probably all of you). Once I get back into a writer's mindset, however, I think I can make some real progress.

Also, even though I feel like it definitely doesn't need to be said but I will say it anyway, thank you so much for reading! I haven't checked my notifications in forever and am still catching up with all the comments everyone has left on the first book and the completed chapters on this one. You are all so sweet and very interactive in the comments and it makes me happy to know that I created something that people genuinely love.

Again no promises on regular updates, but the next update on this book will be a real chapter!

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