chapter 1

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hyunjin wasn't exactly stoked for college, no, he was more nervous since he knew he'd still have to focus on regular school while he also pursued photography. so of course, there he was in his third class, still not learning about photography. he had dozed off since it was math, a subject he had never been good at. the one subject his father and him would get into arguments about. it was always, "you're too stupid," "you didn't study enough," "this is easy math," as hyunjin would sit there and cry on the dining table out of frustration.

"hyunjin, are you even listening?" then he was shoved lightly by the boy who sat by him, kim seungmin.

hyunjin shot his head up before glancing over at his best friend, "oh yeah, totally," he lied with a sheepish smile.

the tallish (still shorter than hyunjin) and dark haired boy had been best friends with hyunjin ever since his father started working for hakun, hyunjin's father. they knew almost everything about each other.

"okay then you would've noticed the announcements go off and call your name?" seungmin raised his eyebrows as he pointed up at the speakers in the ceiling. once seungmin saw the surprise in hyunjin's eyes, he let out an obnoxious laugh, "i was joking!"

hyunjin started aggressively shaking his friend, "that's not funny, seungmin!" but they both shut up quickly when the professor threw a dry erase marker all the way over at hyunjin, hitting him on his neck.

"kim seungmin, hwang hyunjin, since you seem to have fun interrupting this class, i demand that both of you leave!" he yelled. hyunjin figured he most definitely will not enjoy this class.

seungmin and hyunjin bowed their heads in apology before packing up their stuff and headed out of the classroom.

"you really got us kicked out of class," seungmin huffed as he crossed his arms while they both walked down the hallway.

"me?? you were the one laughing all loud and obnoxious!" hyunjin retorted, "actually whatever, that class was boring anyway, wanna get something to eat? we get to start lunch break early!"

seungmin rolled his eyes but couldn't refuse the offer handed to him, "only if you pay for my food," he bargended, earning a grumble from hyunjin.


the boys stopped at a small cafe close to their school since seungmin had begged hyunjin to buy him tea and a slice of pie. the older one didn't necessarily consider that a good lunch but if that's what seungmin wanted, that's what seungmin will get no matter what.

they both walked inside and sat at a table for two. seungmin of course joked around saying, "this is a bit gay, hyunjin, are you taking me on a date?" of course he had a sly smirk on his face.

"seungmin, how many times do i have to tell you?" hyunjin crossed his arms as he made eye contact with his best friend, "i'm not gay!"

seungmin had rolled his eyes for the second time today, "you only say that because of your stupid straight dad."

"i don't like men like that, i like women."

"yet i haven't seen you date a girl since first grade," seungmin shot back, giving hyunjin a knowing look.

hyunjin of course sighed, not exactly knowing how to convince his best friend that he was indeed not gay.

"come on, hyunjin, you have to be at least a bit gay," he then started listing things off, holding up one finger each time, "your favorite hobby is art and photography, you dress in sweaters and blue box jeans, not to mention, you grew out your hair to your shoulders and DYED it blonde out of spite to piss off your father, aaaaand you're gay."

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