Chapter 1

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There it layed the house upon the hill the couple in it ( Hazel and Cherry ) had lived in that house for around 6 or 7 years. But it was much older then that the house hadn't been owned until they arrived so it's actually 20 years in general.Anyways that doesn't matter. It was a lovey snowy day hazel and Cherry were having their mugs of nice warm hot chocolate they were quiet and peaceful everyone in their neighborhood loved them ! Hazel was 27 years old Cherry was 27 as well (no they were not born on the same day dang it ) Hazel thought it was a lovey day to bake cookies so they got out the ingredients.Hazel had just finished mixing the batter when she heard a creaking sound she thought it was just the house settling she ignored it. But that noise was not the house it was coming from outside she ran to the window and saw a large plow truck coming down the snow covered street she couldn't help but notice that its tires were not spinning they were frozen in place. She figured this meant it was stuck in the snow. Hazel ran outside to see if she could help the driver when she opened the door she noticed how cold it really was. She could see her breath in front of her face and her red hair turned white with frost. She ran over to the truck but there was no one inside. Hazel opened the door and looked inside therewas a letter. She picked up the letter and read it to herself. Dear whoever finds this truck I am stuck in the snow please call the police and fire department I am stuck here I can't get out. My cell phone is out of range and all I have is this truck! Please hurry! Signed (a very cold) Cindy P.S please tell my family that I love them! Hazel ran back inside and grabbed her cell phone she called 911 but the phone was not working she dialed her friend Cherry who was the only one who had a landline and told her what happened and to phone the police. The police showed up with a large tow truck they hooked up the plow truck to the tow truck and pulled it outof the snow. They opened the door and pulled out a girl who was nearly frozen she had no gloves no hat no coat she was wearing a cotton dress. The police wrapped her in a blanket and put her in the back of the police car. The police officer drove off to the hospital to warm her up. Hazel and Cherry wondered what had happened to Cindy. They decided to investigate they drove over to Cindy's house to see if they could get any answers. They knocked on the door but there was no answer. They decided to look around outside for clues. Suddenly Cherry noticed something she pointed it out to Hazel. There was a bloody handprint on the door frame and drops of blood leading across the driveway and towards the woods and then nothing.

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