Chapter 2

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There was a bloody handprint on the door frame and drops of blood leading across the driveway and towards the woods and then nothing. So, they decided to follow the trail of blood. They followed it for about a mile until they reached a clearing in the woods. There were two trails of blood one leading towards the clearing and the other leading back into the woods. They decided to follow the trail that led towards the clearing. They went about a half mile before they reached a small house with a red Volkswagen beetle parked in front of it. The windows were blacked out so they couldn't see inside. They decided to walk up to the door and knock. No answer again. But this time they saw some lights turn on and someone inside. So, they tried knocking again and yelling through the door but still no answer. So, they decided to break in they picked up a large stick off stick off the ground and started beating the door in. The door was made of solid wood, so it took a while for them to break it down. Once the door was open, they saw a girl sitting on the couch she was pale and her hair was a mess, but it looked like she had just gotten out of bed. She looked like she hadn't eaten in a while, but she didn't appear to be injured in any way. They told her who they were and why they were there. The girl said her name was Alice and that her friend Jessica took her here to keep her safe from the demon possessing her. Cherry told Alice that she was possessed by a demon as well and that Hazel and Poppy were also possessed by demons. Alice said that she knew about Hazel



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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