Chapter Three

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~Chapter Three~

"Who the hell are you?" the boy who's name was Lucas asked. Everyone was still staring at me with a mixture of awe and surprise on their faces.

"Lucas, shut up. Stop acting like this is bad," Avery ordered. What did she mean? What did Lucas think was bad? That Andrew had decided he hated me in 5 minutes?

"Did you even see anything that just happened?!" Kaylee practically yelled. Her face was a little pale, and she seemed extremely pissed off. 

"Yes, I have eyes," Avery replied sarcastically.

"What's the big deal?" I asked. My voice had been very quiet, but everyone turned to look at me. 

"The big deal is that Andrew hasn't said so much as five words at a time in two years until right now!" Lucas exploded. He looked like he was in absolute shock.

"What's so special about you?" Kaylee asked, glaring at me fiercely.

"Haley, c'mon," Caleb said from besides me. I vaguely felt him tugging on my arm, but all I could see was Kaylee's extremely pissed off face. How had I managed to make an enemy so quickly?

"C'mon," Caleb repeated, hauling me to my feet. His grip on my arm loosened a little, but he still had to lead me all the way out into the hallway.

"Sit," he ordered, pointing to a bench near the main entrance. I sat down, and he sat next to me.

"She already hates me and I don't know why," I said softly, looking down at my hands. "All of them. They all hate me now. What did I do?"

"You didn't do anything wrong," Caleb replied. "I just wanted to get you out of there before Kaylee really flipped her shit. Avery will calm her down, though."

"Why was she mad?" I asked, looking up at him. As soon as my eyes met his grey ones, he quickly looked away.

"There's nothing to worry about. You didn't do anything wrong," Caleb  repeated, strategically avoiding my question.

"Caleb. Why was she mad?" I put some confidence in my voice, and that seemed to put him even more on edge.

"Er..." he rubbed at his neck, still avoiding my eyes.

"Caleb. Answer me," I demanded.

"Kaylee is Andrew's ex. They dated from freshman to sophomore year, until Andrew found out she had cheated on him with his brother for most of the time. He hasn't really been the same since," he admitted. I could tell that there was so much more to the story, but I was satisfied for now.

"Oh," I replied, "So she hates me because I talked to her ex?"

"It's not that simple," Caleb said uneasily, a frown taking over his features. 

I opened my mouth to question him more, but the bell went off.

"I'll help you find your class," he muttered as we headed off in the direction of my locker. Somehow, I knew I had gotten myself into trouble on only my first day.


Ninth period I had a study hall, and the minute I walked in, Avery made wild gestures to get me to sit next to her.

"We have to talk now," she stated.

"Yes, please. Why is everyone acting so weird around me since lunch? All of the people who sit next to me either stare at me or completely ignore me. I know I'm new but this is a little drastic," I told her. The last three classes I'd been too had been very awkward. This morning, all the students seemed to be welcoming and friendly, but now everyone was closed off towards me.

"It's because you talked to him," Avery announced, lowering her voice on the last word.

"Who? Andrew?" I asked curiously. People were acting strange because I talked to one guy?

"Shh," Avery whispered, slapping my arm.

"What's the big deal? They're all shunning me because I had a conversation with someone?" I prodded. Avery wasn't looking at me anymore, instead watching something over my shoulder, her eyes wide. I turned around in my seat, and instantly found my own eyes latched onto those beautiful green ones.

Andrew stood there watching us, a curious expression taking over his features. The previously sound-filled room had grown quiet, and I felt almost every pair of eyes on the three of us.

"Mind if I sit here?" Andrew asked, taking the seat on my opposite side without even waiting for my consent. Avery let out a small squeak, and I glanced over at her. Immediately she recomposed herself, and turned towards the rest of the class. But as soon as she opened her mouth to say a fiery insult directed at the class watching us, a teacher walked in.

"Hello students, sorry I'm late. I got a little caught up in the faculty room," she explained. The teacher looked to be in her early thirties, with brown hair that seemed a little bit messed up.

"That's Ms. Bryton," Avery whispered to me. "She hooks up with the gym teacher."

I covered my mouth to stifle a giggle, and Avery winked at me.

"Ah, I see we have a new student this year," Ms. Bryton announced. Inwardly groaning, I forced a smile onto my face. So far, this is my eighth time introducing myself.

"Haley Jacobs?" she called.

"Here," I said softly. Ms. Bryton looked up, smiling at me.

"Why don't you tell us about yourself?" she asked me. Immediately my eyes widened, all the other teachers had gone on with their lesson. They never tried to learn something about me.

"Uh," I felt everyone in the room watching me, curious for my response.

"My favorite color is blue?" I tried. A few people snickered throughout the classroom , and I could feel the smirk radiating off of Andrew.

"That's wonderful, dear. But since this is ninth period, I'm assuming everyone is even more interested in why you transferred here," Ms. Bryton told me. I stiffened in my seat. What gave her the right to expect me to answer that? The point of transferring was to start over, and I did not want to start this school year by telling everyone what happened at the end of last year.

"I- Uh- I just didn't think the last school was... a good fit for me," I said softly, avoiding everyone's gazes. This seemed to satisfy most of them, including Ms. Bryton, because she went on to explaining what and what not we were allowed to do in study hall.

I listened carefully, still gluing my eyes to the desk. But after a while, I could sense someone watching me. I continued to ignore it at first, but then I became too curious, and I lifted my eyes up. Somehow they found Andrew's and I could tell he was immensely suspicious of my explanation for transferring.

Why? he mouthed to me. I just shrugged, then sank down further in my seat. I wasn't sure if he meant why it wasn't a good fit for me, or if he knew I was lying, and wanted to know why I had lied.

Feeling someone poke my arm on the other side, I turned towards Avery, still sensing Andrew's gaze on me.

She pointed at me, then Andrew, then back to me, and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. Immediately my cheeks flushed, and I shook my head furiously. Avery just shook with silent laughter, and I saw that Andrew had a smug smirk on his face.

What had I gotten myself into?

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