Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

"JONGHYUN!" I burst through the door to our apartment on the fourth floor, "OH MY GOSH JONGHYUN!"

I gasped for air, (maybe sprinting all the way home wasn't my brightest idea.)

I rushed into the hall next to where our bedrooms were located, and knocked loudly on his door.

I heard a door slam in the room, and footsteps stomping towards the white wooden door I was knocking on.

Jonghyun appeared with dripping wet hair and a white towel loosely wrapped around his hips. Totally simp worthy, but I was disgusted since he was my brother.

"Ewwwww, get some clothes on, you perv!" I exclaimed and scrunched up my face in disgust.

"Geez, its my apartment anyways, dumbass" He retorted

I lightly slapped his arm, but i couldt be mad at him because i was too happy right now

"ANYWAYS," I started, and made a drumroll with my nails on my portfolio that I held against my chest, "I GOT THE JOB!"

I jumped up and down from excitement making the floors thud, and probably upsetting the people in the apartment below ours. 

He wrapped his long arms around me in a bear hug, and ruffled my hair. I felt the drops of water on his chest seep through my shirt and I pushed him away immediately,

"Eww, don't touch me, you're still wet!" I exclaimed

He backed away, hands raised in surrender.

"Chill, chill. Imma get dressed and then we'll celebrate."

I nodded in confirmation, and proceeded to get changed into my favorite blue alpaca printed sweats.

I went into the living room, which was located on the opposite side of the kitchen. I plopped down on the comfy black leather couch, opening youtube on my Macbook to watch some good ol' vines.

About 53 vines later, Jonghyun emerged from his room in a loose white button up tucked in black dress pants.

I looked at him like he had a tree sprouting from his head, "The frick are you wearing?"

"Uhhhhh.....what are you wearing?!? I thought we were celebrating?" He said, eyeing me up and down with a quizzical look on his face

"Doesn't mean we have to dress up, you preppy prince." I rolled my eyes

He clasped a hand to his heart, and bent his knees dramatically "Ahhh....that hurt!"

I *smh* ed at his pathetic behavior, and closed my laptop.

We walked over to the kitchen island, and I seated myself at one of the three bar stools lined against it.

"So, what are we celebrating with?" He asked, opening the fridge.

"I mean, it doesn't have to be anything big or fancy. So maybe like Ramen with kimchi? And, oh yeah, do we have sparkling water?"

"I'm not against the Ramen, but sparkling water? Really? You're not 12 anymore Xee, how about some Champagne? I have a bottle of Canard-Duchêne we could drink..." He raised his eyebrows up and down, which made me laugh at his odd but endearing personality

"Are you kidding?" I snorted, "I'm not getting drunk tonight, it's Sunday. And besides, I have my first day at work tomorrow."

"Nah, you'll be fine, we won't drink much anyways." He swung the champagne bottle he had in his hand back and forth in an attempt to make it more tempting somehow


He smiled in victory, and took out two champagne glasses and set them on the counter.

"Okay, on three." He had his hand on the cork, ready to pop it.

"Three," First day of work tomorrow Xenia.

"Two," You can't have a hangover on the first day

"One!" The cork popped off, and foam flew all over me and the counter from the bottle's pressure.

'I'm not getting drunk tonight. Remember, Xenia? P. R. I. O. R. I. T. I. E. S.' I thought to myself before taking the first sip.

Two hours later:

An empty bottle of Canard-Duchêne sat on the still wet kitchen island with two champagne glasses sitting empty beside it.

Our ugly, drunk laughter/snorts could be heard from the living room as we continued watching some random k-comedy we found on the junk tv channel.

Shit Ramen cup in-hand, and the entire container of kimchi on the living room table, we spent the entire night talking about random ass shit and laughing our little heads off.

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