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Hotch's pov

As soon as I stepped off the plane, I saw Emily in the middle of the crowd of people at the airport.

It only took a few seconds for her to spot me, and when she did, she came straight over.

"Hey," I said, as I put my bag down and hugged her.

"Hey," she replied.

This is the first time I'd seen Emily since she moved to London, and I didn't want to admit how much I'd missed her, how nothing had been the same since she'd left.

After I'd collected my luggage, we headed back to Emily's place to drop it off before we went back out.

During the drive over, we filled each other in on everything that had happened since we'd last seen each other. She told me about what it was like living in London, and I told her about some of the things that had happened in the bau.

"So, there's a new bar that just opened a few streets away, you want to check it out later?" Emily asked as she pointed me in the direction of the guest bedroom.

"Sure," I replied, putting my bags down on the bed before going back into the kitchen.

Eventually, we decided that we'd go out for dinner so that we had time to catch up, and then head to the bar after.

I'd come to London for two reasons; one was to help with an interpol case, and the other was to see Emily.

The two of us had become closer friends after everything that happened with Foyet, and then Ian Doyle.

I knew that deep down, I wanted to be more than friends, but I'd never acted on that. For one, until recently, I was her boss, but also I know that there's no way she feels the same way about me.

"You ready to go?" I heard Emily shouting.

It was half seven now, and our reservations were for eight, so we'd have to be leaving soon.

"Yeah," I replied, walking into the living room.
"You look amazing," I added.

She was wearing jeans, a black, silk vest-top and a leather jacket, and I was wearing a suit, just without my usual tie.

"Thanks. You don't look bad yourself," she smirked.

I smiled back, and then we headed out the door, almost as if the previous conversation had never happened.

We got to the restaurant just on time, and were shown to our table straight away.

Both of us ordered a glass of wine, and then we each ordered our meals.

Just as the waitress was about to leave, she turned back around and smiled at us.

"Can I just say, you two are so cute together," she said.

Emily and I made eye contact, before both of us started to laugh.

"Oh, we're not dating."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I just assumed," she started to apologise before I cut her off.

"It's fine," I chuckled, once again catching Emily's eye.


After we had finished dinner and dessert, we walked a couple of streets to the bar that Emily had mentioned earlier, laughing the whole way there.

I loved hanging out with the team, but something about this - just me and Emily - was different. The conversations were easy, and we were laughing and smiling all the time.

I was happy.


About two hours later, Emily and I were both drunk.

"Come on, let's dance," she shouted over the music.

Laughing, I grabbed her hand, and we made our way out to the dance floor.

We danced until the end of the song, and then we danced to the next song that came on too.

I glanced at Emily, and for a few seconds, we just looked at each other. And then, before I even thought about what was happening, we were both leaning closer to each other, until our lips met.

After a few seconds, we both pulled away.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to that," Emily said quietly, and I chuckled slightly.

"Yeah, me too," I agreed, kissing her again.

"I think we should call an Uber," she said, "and head back to my place."

"Good idea."

*skip to the next morning*

When I woke up, it took me a few seconds to realise where I was. However, when I did remember, I felt happier than I have in a long time.

I looked down, smiling when I saw Emily still asleep, her head leaning on my chest, my arm around her shoulder.

After a couple of minutes, she started to stir.

"Good morning," I whispered, not wanting to startle her.

"Mm good morning," she replied, looking up at me and smiling me. "Got to admit, this is a very nice way to wake up."

I chuckled slightly, before agreeing with her.

"Wait, what time is it?" She asked, sitting up suddenly.

I reached over to my phone, which somehow had ended up on the floor, and saw that it was already 8am.

"Crap, we were supposed to be at Interpol in half an hour," she said, getting up.

I went to the guest room and got dressed, before going back to Emily's room and standing in the door.

"So," I started, "Do you want to go out for dinner again tonight?"

She looked up from where she was sat at her dressing table, and smirked at me.

"Is Aaron Hotchner asking me out on a date?"

"Yes, if you want to," I replied, laughing.

"Of course I want to," she smiled, walking over and kissing me.

hotchniss one-shots Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora