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Hope POV

I had opened my door because I was going to tell Josie that she forgot her phone on my night stand.

I walked out the door and I saw Penelope and Josie talking when I was confused. I thought they had broken up a while ago.

Penelope looked at me before kissing Josie.

I knew this must have been revenge for something but I swear I didn't do anything to Penelope so I didn't know why she wanted to hurt me.

I didn't want to keep looking at them kiss because it would only pain my heart more.

I turned around and made my way back into my room.

I will give Josie her phone another time.

Me and Josie aren't even dating, hell she barely knows I exist and I'm sad over a damn kiss that I wish I was sharing with her.

Before I could even give it much thought someone knocked on my door.

It was probably Penelope trying to rub it in my face.

I opened the door.

"what the fuck do you wa—, oh it's you" I said before walking over to my desk to get her phone.

"Hope listen I'm s-" she tried saying

"No need. It's nothing" I said

"It's definitely something" she says as she looked down at her hands.

"Here. You left it" I said as I tried handing her the phone.

She sighed and pushed me into the room and closed the door.

Not much power to hurt me.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Well first 'I'm getting what is mine" she says before taking her phone.

"Okay? But you didn't have to come in my room for that" I said clearly aggravated.

"What's wrong with you? And what the hell is wrong with me? Why do I feel the need to tell you this ... I don't owe you an explanation" she says rolling her eyes.

"Like I said... you could have just taken your phone and left" I said

"I can't just do that when I have the urge to talk to you" she says

"What are you talking about Josie?" I asked

"I don't know... it's kind of just an urge to make things right with you. Why are you even mad in the first place?" She asked

"I—I'm not.. it-its hard to explain" I stuttered before fidgeting with my fingers.

Josie didn't say much she just nodded.

"Well, I should probably go do that thing with Lizzie that I promised her earlier but I hope the rest of your day goes well" she says before walking out of the door.

I'm so lame. I could have just told her but then what if she didn't care about my feelings and wanted nothing to do with me?

I have so many confusing things going on in my life that I don't even know what to do with it.

If it wasn't for the stupid party then I wouldn't be here.

Damn it my stupid feelings.

Josie POV

I walked out of hopes room for the second time in 10 minutes and Penelope was still standing in the spot she was in when I left.

"I thought there was nothing going on with you two" Penelope says

"Nothing is going on with me and Hope" I said

She scoffed and I just rolled my eyes.

"The damn thing she be working by now I don't know what's taking it so long" Penelope says is a almost whisper, I think it was more to herself.

"Penelope what are you talking about?" I asked

"What?" She asked

"Why are you being so weird?" I asked

"I just like the way you call my name like I'm yours to tame it's hot" she says

I pushed pass her and headed to my room with Lizzie.

This is going to be a rocky ride.

I do need to find out what's going on with me and Hope and that stupid party.

When I walked into the room Lizzie was getting dressed.

"Why are you late?" She asked

"I was busy" I said

"Fucking? Which one is it this time? Penelope? Hope? Maybe even a teacher?" She grinned as she put on eye liner.

"Why would I fuck a teacher?" I asked

"I don't know what you be doing these days" she says

I flicked her off before walking into the bathroom.

I washed my face and got ready for this lunch thing with Lizzie, my parents, and mg.

I'm suppose to be there comforting Lizzie when mg meets our parents as mg now boyfriend.

I don't know when that shit happened but I guess it did.

Maybe that party...

"What is the last party called?" Lizzie asked as I walked out of the bathroom.

"What?" I asked

"Well every party has a name and I keep forgetting the party name" she says

"I don't remember much from that night, just that it was in the middle of the night why do you ask?" I asked her as I switched my shirt.

"That would be the night me and mg actually hit it off" she says

"Ohh." I said

She smirked.

"I'm ready to go" she says before putting in her purse.

"Cool" I said

We made our way to go pick up mg and then headed to my dads office.

This is going to be one long night and I could already see it.

"Hello girls, your mother should be here shortly" my dad says as we walked into the room.

"No worries" Lizzie says with a huge smile

Seeing Lizzie and mg all lovey dovey was gross... no it wasn't.. I'm just lonely.

I could always give it another go with Penelope but relationships are based off of happiness and I don't think I can be happy with Penelope seeing how she still treats me.

"I'm here! I'm here" my mom says as she entered my dads office.

"Great, let's go shall we?" My dad asked with a smile

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