Barry Allen/Sebastian Smythe, Kara Danvers/Marley Rose (Superfriend)

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"Okay lets start" I say "Umm could you give us a hint of what it is?" Lena asks "do you remember when me and barry was sorta in a coma?" kara asks her and lena looks confused "When we were trapped in the musical?" she asks "oh yeah" lena says "for a genius, you have a very bad memory" kara says and lena glares at her "okay anyways spill what happened" lena says "me and barry had to sing a song the no one has heard of so we made up a song called..." kara starts "SUPERFRIEND" Me, barry, and kara shout earning some chuckles "okay now here watch this" I say

Winn: Mr. Moran told me, that you got more songs in your repertoire

Kara: Ah. We have to finish the musical.

Barry: Yeah 

Kara: Uh do you happen to know anything original?

Winn: As a matter of fact, I've been working on something all day 

Barry: Well, things really are easier in musicals.

Kara: Yeah.

[Winn plays piano]

Barry: Alright. At times like these...When life's getting me down and the world seems like it's gonna end ship?

Kara: Mmm

Barry: There's at least one power that we both still have, and that's the power of...

Kara: Friendship?

Barry: Yeah that's exactly what I was gonna say!

Kara: it's an easy rhyme

Barry: I'm your superfriend

[barry starts tap dancing]

"You can tap dance?" Caitlin asks her boyfriend "yeah kara can too" Barry replies and kara gets a confused-smirkish look from lena "I was in a glee club" she states "so was I" barry replies "you two preformed together?" Caitlin asks "No, not exactly" kara replies "our schools were each others competition" barry replies "oh" caitlin asks  

Barry: I'll be there in a nick of time if your a spot

Kara: And if your not there in time, you can go back in time and give it another shot!

Barry: Actually I'm supposed to do that anymore

Kara: oh okay

Barry: sing!

Kara: I'm your superfriend. Superfriend

Barry: When you need compliment, I can rattle off a dozen

Lena lets out a small growl that only kara can hear and when she does she chuckles

Barry: For instance, I have to say I'm not impressed...By your more famous cousin

"I'm right here" Clark says 

Kara: Thank you! No one every says that!

Barry: Oh. He's all like 'I'm superman' whoopsie whoop 

"Again right here" He says

Kara: That's a really good impression

Barry and Kara: I'm your superfriend. Superfriend.

Kara: When it comes to buddies, pal your the best

Barry: I love you more than the lightning bolt I wear on my chest

The new directions and warbles look confused and barry shots them a 'you'll find out later' look

Kara: If your ever in a sad, I'll bring you flowers!

Barry: You can list soprano as one of your powers!

Kara: If your ever broke

Barry: I've got the cash

Kara: On my couch

Barry: where your welcome to crash!

Kara: And if you ever need a hand!

Barry: I'll be there in a flash

Kara: Barry!

Barry: What? That was funny

Kara and Barry: I'm your super that has a double meaning friend!

[Barry dips kara and then the video ends]

"Is it me or does barry's voice sounds high when he sings?" Cisco asks It's definitely not just you" Kara says "I'm right here" barry says "I did not like the way he was smiling at you at all" Lena mumbles to herself "stop being a jealous girlfriend" kara smirks "I'm not" lena says "Okay umm So lets say umm there is more then one witch/warlock in this room, but the only two who knows what they are, raise your hand" I say and wanda raises her hand and Magnus raises his "Mike?!" The new direction +kara says "hello, lovelies" he says "Umm okay Now is the avengers" I say 

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