Chapter 4 - Jaiven

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"That is because you haven't ever met Miles Gray before"

I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see them from his position above me. There was something about him. He seemed genuine rather than all the other guys that looked at me for my body. That may be in part to his eyes being shut, but still. There was something. Something that I was determined to find out.

"A very valid point, but now that I have, I am quite intrigued" I stated. It was a bold statement, even for me. I bit my lip as I waited for his reaction. He seemed to just pull the old me back out of the shell she had retreated into. 

"Well the street seems to travel both ways Jaiven Small" He whispered so quiet I almost didn't hear it. It was as if he was in disbelief himself that he was here having a conversation with me. 

"Well what would you like to know?" I asked.

"Everything, from how you ended up here to why you were dating Kade and ending with what you were doing on the roof of the school." He replied.

"Well, its not like anyone is going to come and get us any time soon and if you say anything to anyone else I can just deny it" I started, "I used to live in New York with my family in a tiny little condo and went to the skate park every day until the sun set. I went to school where no one saw me and I was happy. That was before my mom found out she had cancer. They didn't find out until it was too late and she only had a few days before she passed, leaving my dad and I behind. We agreed to look for a fresh start elsewhere, somewhere quieter. That is what she always wanted. To get out of the city I mean. She loved astrology and had put all of these little glow in the dark stars all over the roof of our entire apartment. If she was here she would be pointing out all of the constellations and the stories behind them. We just sort of drove until we got tired of driving one night, and this sky was enough to make us stay here. It reminded us of her and everything she had wanted before she was taken from us."

Tears streamed down my face as Miles gently and comfortingly rubbed my arm. I gulped down the lump rising in my throat, gaining the motivation to keep going. I had never told anyone this before.

"I really have no answer for why I started dating Kade, I guess I was just trying to be as opposite to my old self as I could. I know he is not nice and he is honestly a real dick. He only wanted me as an item to hang off of his arm and make him look good. Which I have always known and not really cared about since its not like I cared about him that much either. So when he decided to sleep with some other girl to make me look bad and have the entire school population praise him I needed a little bit of space to get away from the whispers. So, I came to the roof only to be interrupted less than thirty minutes later by some jocks throwing a boy onto the roof." I explained, turning to look up at him in the dark.

He stayed quiet, taking in the information. He lifted his rough, calloused hand to my cheek and lightly wiped away the tears rolling to my chin. I found myself leaning further into his side, finding the comfort captivating. He had broken through my walls without even knowing, and without even trying. However, I had a feeling that that was another street running both ways between us as he had put it before.

"That must have been heart wrenching, I couldn't even imagine" He whispered, his voice soft.

"I just miss her so much" I sobbed helplessly, my entire wall crumbling in front of him. I had never cried since the passing of my mother, not once. It seemed as though everything had built up in the back of my mind and his sincerity and his honesty as a complete stranger was the key needed to unlock the vault. 

"It's okay, just let it all out" He soothed. He gently began to sway us back and forth, pulling me around so that I was facing him completely in a sitting hug. My face pressed into his chest, staining his wet t-shirt. 

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