Chapter 3 - Miles

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"We have time" She said pointing out the fact that we were stuck on the school roof with no hope of being rescued until the next day. I didn't know about her but my phone had no service, and there wasn't really anyone I could call anymore anyways.

I hadn't ever told anyone why we hated each other, or why he particularly hated me, and I didn't plan on doing it anytime soon either. I was already pushing the limit with Kade as it was.  It is honestly better this way without her knowing. Once someone came in the morning, we could get someone to open the door and I will never have to talk to her again. 

She didn't seem to think the same way that I was because she was looking at me expectantly as if I was just going to spill all of my deepest secrets. I sighed and looked away from her, a thought popping up in my head.

"Only if you tell me why you are actually with Kade, because I know it isn't because he is a nice guy" I said hoping to have asked an all too offensive and personal question.

"I'm not" She replied.

"Not what?" I asked in confusion.

"Not with Kade anymore, he 'broke up' with me" she answered putting air quotations around the words broke up.

 I didn't really reply, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little surprised. She stayed silent, and looked out at the sky where there was just a few colors left standing out from the dark.  She seemed to be relieved by the fact more than sad or hurt like his choice of the week usually was. Kade had however managed to date Jaiven for a few months according to the recent rumor mill, however I doubted he was faithful to her. She was new and shiny to the whole school as very few new students attended the school, much less ones as attractive as her.

"He decided to announce in front of the whole school at lunch today he was done with me and I could feel free to leave as I was suffocating to be around and wouldn't even put out for all of his troubles. That I was a waste of his time and nothing but a fake girl using everyone around her to gain popularity and friends to feel better about myself. Which isn't wrong and I'm not surprised. But the most surprising part that when he cheated on me it was with Hannah of all people. If I didn't know any better I would say that this town is made up of nothing but the cliché cliques and drama as the movies make small towns out to be." She trailed off, our eyes connecting as she brought hers towards my stare. 

"Oh don't get your hopes up, it is" I answered, hatred dripping from my words.

"The only thing I can't seem to figure out is where you fit in in those movies. You are an outcast obviously but not the kind that anyone would assume. I can tell there is something different about you" Jaiven speculated, looking over my body. She hit the nail right on the head with that one.

"He hates me because my father was having an affair with his mother a long time ago.  He blames me even though he knows that I haven't had anything to do with my father since I was little. It broke his family apart, he no longer has contact with his sisters or brother , and his dad absolutely not. His mom overdosed a couple of years ago, and his dad didn't take him in as he looks just like her so he now has to stay with his aunt who doesn't give a shit about him at all. They protect him and let him do whatever it is that he wants to protect their own images as the Mayor of the town and the Principal of the school.  He and the football team take after me often, but it isn't anything I haven't been through before" I explained abruptly and surprised myself from hearing the words out in the open.

She stayed silent for a while, gazing up at the stars scatted across the sky. I too, looked up, just in time to see a shooting star streaking across the sky for a second before it disappeared again.

"It isn't fair for him to do that, what happened is not your fault in any way" Jaiven commented quietly.

 I stayed silent, wondering why I had just said that out loud. I had never told anyone, so why her? Why the person he was linked closely to of all people? Not to mention I had only met her two hours ago, she was still a stranger to me. Maybe that is why I did it. That could have just been the icing on the cake and I don't even want to imagine what Kade is going to have coming for me next. Secrets carved and created a person as they grew older, molding them as time wore on. The case even more so the younger the person was. 

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