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Intuition brought you to Liyue.

In fact, in most of your decisions in life, you act on your intuition and of course, the guidance of the cards in your bag.

Mona often tells you that you need to thank your lucky stars that you haven't gotten into so much trouble yet because of all the wandering that you've been doing. Kaeya shrugs at this whenever he hears it, he always encouraged you to live freely and do as the wind does.

Upon reading your own cards the other week, you found that there would be so much opportunity for your growth if you tread the unknown path outside of the city you are currently living in. You've made a home in Mondstadt after leaving Sumeru and you kept on returning to the City of Freedom since then.

You've been to Liyue countless times but never for too long. After being missing in action for a few weeks from Mondstadt, you've always returned. The bed in Mona's place is much more comfortable than moss and rocks. Your astrologer friend always welcomes you in, especially if you've got Mora to share with her. You don't mind. After all, you know it in yourself that you have to pay for lodging elsewhere and Mona provided you with a cheaper alternative.

That was before your cards told you to go and of course, you did.

It took you nearly three days' worth of travel to get to Liyue but you're so used to sleeping under the stars that you didn't mind.

It was a big relief though that you managed to come across the Wangshu Inn. After giving Verr Goldet all the Mora you had, you were given two nights of stay which was something, considering the quality of rooms at the inn.

"Your fame precedes you, traveler." Verr Goldet smiled at you from behind the counter. "My customer often talks about meeting the fortune teller in the woods. Judging from their description, that must be you."

You chuckled at this, "People do love coming across me." You remember camping in the woods, it wasn't because you liked being a recluse but because you didn't have money to spend for a night in some inn nearby, and people would happily jog over to you after hearing from friends and neighbor how you helped them with their dilemma.

"You're quite elusive though. Many travels just to have the chance to spot you and get a reading from you." The woman then gave you a curious look that told you all you need to know, "Do you thi-"

"Of course. Come over to my room when you have free time and I'll read the cards for you." You nodded, that was the least you can do for her.

You put your bag in your room and freshened up for dinner. Although it was fun to eat random fruits and nuts, you were craving for a hot meal. Then you remembered that you put everything you had in this room so you went to Verr Goldet and asked for permission to read cards for the guests in the dining area outside. She gave you a yes, so you wasted no time.

It didn't take long for people to come over the table you picked. It would be economically better for you to stay in one place since people felt so compelled to pay to have their cards read, but you were a free spirit and you didn't like getting tied in one place. It made you anxious.

"To get past this, you have to confront your father about your dilemma. He seems apologetic, try and come into terms with him before you make any more rash decisions." You looked around the cards in front of you, trying to see if you can get any more messages for the lost girl.

"Should I? He'd only keep me and my boyfriend apart." She teared up.

You nodded and took another card, wondering if the solution really was to run away from home and elope. "Again, you need to see this rationally. You are much too blinded by your emotions, you have to look at this with a clear mind. Look at the pros and cons of your choices. Take a moment, breath, and then decide. The archons will guide you."

One by one, the people sat down, shared their problems, and you provided them with answers. Sometimes the cards were sympathetic, but most of the time, they were rash and straightforward.

You managed to get enough Mora to survive for a week or two, absolutely satisfied that the decision to go to Liyue seems like a fruitful one.

When the guests were satisfied, you ordered dinner. Your energy was spent, divination really isn't an easy task and your teacher was not kidding when he said that you need to take a break after sessions.

"Here is your food. This is golden shrimp balls, these will be on the house." Verr Goldet smiled wide at you when she brought your food over. "Is it okay if I come over after you have dinner? I won't waste too much of your time."

"Of course!" You will always be easy to sway with food.

Once you were fed and full, Verr came over. "I'd like to know if my business will be doing well in the future." She inquired. You liked it when people asked direct questions, that way you'd be able to see answers easily.

"Alright. Let me see here." You went quiet for a few minutes, laying your cards in front of you. "Your business will be thriving. You've built this inn for a good cause." Then something made you curious, "An archon happy with you because of this. I see an agreement... I wonder if the Geo archon is the one giving you all this luck."

Verr's smile turned fond, "Maybe."

"Your life in the Wangshu inn will be prosperous. You're protected."

Then you felt the sudden need to look up, that was when saw the unwavering golden stare of an entity at the top of the inn. The gaze made you shiver.

"That's Xiao." Verr's eyes followed yours, "He's the one protecting us."

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