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You ventured back to Liyue, wanting to make peace with the Yaksha you bothered. Venti seems to know something that would appease Xiao but he wasn't about to make things easier for you.

It was alright, you thought, because you have to discover it for yourself.

"Ah, traveler! Back again! How many nights will you stay for?" Verr Goldet's smile greeted you in the inn.

You pooled all of the Mora you brought, most of which you borrowed from Mona that you promised you'd pay off with interest when you get back. "Will this be enough for one night?" You asked, "Also, what do you think would a Yaksha like to eat? No no, hang on. Don't answer that. I'll figure this out on my own."

Verr Goldet stared at you for a moment and laughed, "Alright. You have enough to stay for one night and one meal. Would you like to have it in your room or in the dining area?"

You licked your lips as you mulled it over, your intuition tells you to say something out of the choices. "Upstairs. Out in the open. I'd like to have it for dinner."

"Would you like our chef to make you something?" Verr's eyes sparkled, almost like Venti's, and your gut tells you to agree. "Alright. I'll call you when everything's ready."

You headed straight to your room and took out the cards in your bag. For a moment, you want to read the outcome of your decisions so far. Would you be successful? Should you have chosen something else? But before you can shuffle your cards, you put them down on the mattress and realized you didn't want to.

Yes, you decided on intuition.

Yes, people trusted you and your gift of divination.

But you didn't have to know.

You have to conquer this on your own.

So, for the first time, you put your cards back in your bag and decided to leave it up to fate. You didn't have to know; whatever will happen, will simply happen. If you made the wrong choice then you'll simply have to learn from it and make a better one.

It was already dark when Verr knocked on your door, telling you that Smiley Yanxiao already prepared the table for you up at the top of the inn as you requested.

You thanked her and you went upstairs. Smiley Yanxiao prepared a table, two chairs, and a big plate of what seemed to be Almond Tofu. You looked at it, wondering if that was enough for your dinner. You never really cared for tofu but if this was the meal your money was able to get you, you would dare not complain.

When you sat down, you noticed another plate. Was the Almond Tofu made for sharing? You wondered as a gust of wind ran by you, interrupting your question.

Xiao appeared by the shadows, gazing at you with his eyebrows furrowed. He had his arms crossed over his chest and you felt like you need to leave because you disturbed him again.

You wished him peace but you kept on disrupting it.

"Oh, uh, peace offering." You stood up quickly, "I'll leave you this um...plate." Even though you were hungry, you didn't want to bother him too much so you turned for the door.

"You can stay. This is set up for you." He said, making you stop in your tracks.

You turned to look at him and remembered that you didn't have any Mora to spare for what you came for so you insisted, "Peace offering. That's a peace offering."

"I can make do with half of it." Xiao looked away from you and clenched his jaw. Was he about to say something else?

Cautiously, you sat back down. You put half of the dish on the plate that was probably meant for Xiao and half on yours. You can feel his eyes on you but you didn't dare acknowledge it anymore.

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