Chapter 11: Gummy bears

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Arya Crawford

"Can we leave yet?"

"Are you done with your essay?"


"Then no, we can't leave yet. You told me to make sure you don't leave the library until you were done with your essay."

"I'm never going to be done with my essay. I'll be writing essays until the end of time. I hate being a Sociology major." Megan huffed and slumped back into the semi-uncomfortable library chair.

I laughed at her exasperation. I mean, she's not wrong.

We'd been at the library for the past five hours. And let me tell you, everything and everyone starts to look distorted after the three-hour mark.

"By the way, can you send me your Classical Mythology notes for the lectures on the Iliad? Ugh, I should have just taken the class with you last semester. I have no one to study for it with."

Done reading an entire academic article only to use one citation from it in my essay on capital punishment (sigh), I emailed Megan the notes she wanted.

"Yeah, and I wish you'd taken Astronomy with me this semester. I could have studied with you for it." I said, pulling up yet another academic article on the pros and cons of the death penalty.

"What about Carter? Isn't he in that class too? Why don't you two study together?" She asked distractedly.

"He never has time. He spends most of his free time with Sofia."

"Who's Sofia?"

"Don't know. Some girl." I shrugged, keeping my eyes fixed on my laptop screen in front of me. "Every time I ask to hang out or study, he says he's with Sofia."

Megan looked at me from the corner of her eye with an amused grin. "Jealousy is a disease. Get well soon, bitch."

"What? Why would I be jealous? We're just friends. And I'm glad if he's making other friends in his classes. And I'm seeing Aiden."

"Okay, one; keep telling yourself that." Megan held up one finger and then another. "And, two; you've only been on like two dates with Aiden."

I scowled. Aiden and I were going to go on our third date soon once midterm season was over. And I was more than happy at the pace of the dates. And being my best friend, Megan knew all this. The woman still loved to tease me though.

I was just about to call Megan some choice names when a notification popped up on the corner of my laptop screen. I quickly opened the email I had just received and smiled when I read it.

I had set a plan in motion almost two weeks ago, a day after the whole leaving-my-underwear-at-Carter's-apartment fiasco (there had been an awkward retrieval mission a few days later), and it was finally time for the big reveal. I quickly texted Carter to ask if I could come over the next day, ignoring Megan's quizzical look.

I set my phone down on the table and turned to Megan to explain when almost immediately my phone lit up with Carter's reply.

I snatched my phone up again but my excitement fizzled out at his reply and I frowned.

I held my phone out in front of Megan's face, with Carter's text conversation on my screen, so she could read the exchange.

"He says he can't meet tomorrow because he's spending the day with Sofia."

My phone vibrated again in my hands as another message popped up on the screen and Megan whisper-yelled in excitement.

"He wants you to meet her!"

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