Welcome to Neverland

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Jacob's P.O.V
I can't believe I told Nessi that I'd kill her love ones if she tried to escape Neverland. I was more surprised that she nodded in understanding, but I did what I was forced to. Yes, I said forced to, you see what I didn't think through is once I gave Pan my heart he could make me do anything he wanted.

 "Jak- Jacob?" Nes asked timidly.

"Mhm. What Renesmee?" It feels so wrong saying Renesmee instead of Nes or Nessi. Why did Pan want Nessi anyways? Actually I asked Felix about it and he didn't know either. None of the lost boys did. Which is actually strange because Pan always tells Felix and I everything.

"When do we go to Neverland and why? Better question, do I get to say goodbye to my family?" Nessi is literally looking like she is dead serious, it's honestly hard not to laugh. And I was gonna answer her, but then she asked something I never wanted her to ask while we were still in Forks or the U.S. for that matter, "Jacob, why, just answer me, why are you doing this? Does this Pan have someone you care about? Like your imprint?"

"Okay I'll answer your third, forth and fifth question before I answer one and two. I have no choice but to do this Renesmee, because Pan holds my heart. He can tell me what to say or what to do, and he's telling me to take you to him. Pan does hold someone dear to me and she is my imprint. Her name is Wendy, Wendy Darling. Now," I said with a smirk, "you don't get to say goodbye because, one Pan wants you immediately, and two do you really want to explain to them where your going and why you can't come home again?" I thought she would have said yes, but then to my surprise she shook her head no. "That's what I thought." I lied, I just lied to Renesmee. Great. "In that case we leave now," Then I knocked her out. I hate myself right now just for future thoughts and references when I face Edward, Bella, and the rest of the Cullens.
(Time skip)
Renesmee's P.O.V.
Aaaahhhh! My head feels like it's on fire! What did Jacob do to me? Snap! What in the world was that?! 

"Welcome to your new home," a boy said. Can't say that he looks lost though. He's about six foot one, he's got dirty blonde hair, and a wicked scar on the left side of his face. And now that is forever in my memory that refuses to forget anything.

"New home? Ha! I have a home and a family," I said looking him up and down, "However, I can't say the same for you. From what I can smell you have been in these woods for a long time. You smell like dirt, trees, leaves, like a boy," I said with a small smile, "but under all of those scents I can smell a scent that's different. It smells like, well, almost like mint leaves. Where's Jacob? What's your name? Where am I?"

"Welcome to Neverland. My name is Felix. Jacob said you were different, Renesmee. I didn't believe him, of course. Jacob's fine. If that's what your so worried about." Felix told me. 

I didn't need Alice's ability to see the future to see what was gonna happen next. Felix grabbed me by the arm and forcefully made me walk north. About twenty minutes later we walked into a camp. Where the hell am I? And how did I end up being dragged to Neverland? I'm going to murder Jacob when I see him again. And now I sound like Dad. Great.

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