6. Sunpaw

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Late morning had arrived in a flash for ColdClan. The confusion had begun to die down and many of the cats were now basking in the sun in the center of camp. Sunpaw was assisting Larkwing in the medicine cat den, as the two she-cats had realised that Gorseface's injuries were worse than they first expected. Larkwing had guessed that the tom had broken his hind legs, and she'd been right. It was a first time experience for Sunpaw, and she watched over her mentor's shoulder as the cat attempted to help Gorseface. Working quickly, Larkwing bound the legs with cobwebs.

"How are you feeling, Gorseface?" Sunpaw asked, knowing that the cats they treated always tried to act tough - nobody wanted to retire to the elder's den early.

Gorseface was half asleep due to the poppy seeds he had been given, but managed to mumble a sentence out. "It doesn't hurt as much as it did; I think the poppy seeds are helping."

As Larkwing tied the final bind, the injured cat let out a yelp, but relaxed soon after. "You'll have to stay in here until you feel up to moving, Gorseface. I've only ever seen a few cats recover from a broken leg, but you have two... We need to be serious - this could be the end of being a warrior for you."

Gorseface's body tensed as he was agitated by Larkwing's comments, but it obviously hurt him so he tried to relax again. "A-as long as there's a little hope for me..." The medicine cat nodded, and headed out of the den. Taking a moment to look at the yellow eyed cat, Sunpaw eventually followed in her brown mackerel mentor's footsteps.

The camp was almost silent. Sunpaw guessed they were all reflecting on the previous events. With a sigh, Sunpaw headed towards the fresh-kill pile. Her belly rumbled because she hadn't eaten all morning. As she began to eat a tiny shrew, Mudstar jumped up onto the highrock. "Let all ColdClan cats gather for a meeting!" Instantly, Sunpaw buried her food for later. She'd make time to eat when her clan didn't need her.

His gorgeous light brown coat shining in the sun showing his health, Mudstar began to speak. "There is much to discuss." The tom said as the cats gathered round. Sunpaw saw her father at the base of the rock and her mother next to Webfall, but her eyes did not fall upon the familiar sight of the silver pelted blue eyed she-cat that was her sister. However, there was no time to discuss such matters, for Mudstar had already began talking.

"ColdClan cats, my friends. You all know that the dawn patrol was attacked by the mountain lions. What you don't know is that the brave cats on that patrol did manage to successfully injure one of the biggest cats, perhaps so much that it could die from it's wounds. I hope everyone would join in celebrating. Us ColdClan cats know more than any other cats about teamwork. Here's to Gorseface, Honeystrike, Tallpaw, Creekwillow and Lakeheart!" The leader paused at the clan cats shouted the heroes names.

"Sadly, Larkwing tells me that Gorseface's legs are broken, and may never heal properly. We must help him in any way we can to get back on his paw, as he is so young and should have a long warrior life ahead of him. His bravery will not be forgotten." More cheers, but Honeystrike was looking at the ground dismally. The two cats were not only mates but the best of friends, and Sunpaw couldn't imagine what it'd be like to lose her best friend Skypaw. Gratefully, Webfall and Berrystep were comforting the sandy coloured she-cat.

"Onto some good news, for StarClan has not forgotten about us. I had the same vision as Larkwing, yet the fish and the stone were more powerful than ever. My kits grow stronger every day, and I know that they will be great when they are warriors." Mudstar looked lovingly at his mate who sat in the queen's den entrance, their kits buried in the sides of her fur.

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