| Chapter 2 | Drunk Night of Anger (and Sorrow)

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Wilbur was at the bar. Not even two hours earlier, he was at a fancy resturaunt with his best friend. He had been planning to ask her out, but she had dragged him to a bar before he could. Then she met Jarred. He had a sneaking feeling they'd fucked in the bathroom. Then she left without a word. Now Wilbur was trying to forget the whole god forsaken experiance. He hadn't even drank any alcohol yet. He was planning to later, but he had only had water so far. He was about to order his first shot when he heard screaming. 

He stood up, looking over to the exit. There was a girl, struggling to get out of a man's tight hold. She had soft pink hair that was very messed up. She was trying to stab the guy holding her with her stilettos. "Fucker!" She screamed. He leaned in to whisper something, and that only made her fight harder. 

Wilbur moved a bit closer to get a good look at this man. Jarred. He knew he had to save this girl. So he quickly dodged everyone on the dance floor to get to the exit. "Kindly let her go." He said calmly over the noise. "And what if I don't?" He sneered. "I'll kick you in the balls." The girl threatened. 

"You wouldn't sweetheart." Jarred said. While this was happening, Wilbur had moved behind him and pinched his neck. Jarred didn't notice until air stopped traveling to his brain and he fell to the floor. 

"Want some help?" Wilbur offered. The girl walked closer to him. "If you hurt me, I will stab you." Wilbur nodded. "No doubt." He led her to his car, and she carefully got in. 


Niki woke up with a headache. In a room she didn't know.  She smelled coffee being brewed, and breakfast being cooked. Her breath sped up. "Oh god." She muttered to herself. "That guy got me drunk. What the hell did he do to me?"

 Her clothes were still exactly as they were, which was encouraging. She swiftly grabbed the knife hidden in her heel. Then she slowly walked toward the place where breakfast was being made. 

He must have heard her coming because he said, "I made breakfast! I was bout to wake-" he turned around. "Oh shit." Niki slightly lowered her weapon. "You're not Jarred." He shook his head. 

"Nope. I'm Wilbur." "What did you do to me?" Niki asked sharply. "Uh... I drove you here, because you wouldn't tell me your adress. Then I let you sleep in my bed, and I took the couch. Then I woke up and started making food. Then you wielded a knife at me." Niki didn't lower the knife. 

"What did you do to Jarred." Wilbur bit his lip. "I... unconcioused him." Niki showed no sign of trusting him. "How 'bout you eat, and then I take you to your house." Wilbur proposed. 

Niki put her knife on the counter. "Alright." Wilbur dished up the eggs and coffee. Niki quickly ate. 

"Thank you for you hospitality." Niki said, unemotional. Then she stood up, pushing in the chair. "One question." Wilbur rushed, as if nervous she would just stalk off. Niki sighed. "Shoot."

 "How did you manage to get almost abducted by him?" Niki shrugged. "I was drunk." 


Word Count: 558


I updated, per request :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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