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She had to get up. This was it. They had gone away, they probably thought that she was dead. The shards of the glass bottle that had landed right beside her strayed themselves into her knees and hands as she turned around onto her stomach, waiting for the right moment. The door was cracked open, probably because of its horrible conditions and the fact that various things had just been launched at it. She looked at it intently, her eyes not leaving one prominent crack in the wood, waiting. Waiting for the sound of their voices to disappear from her field of hearing. Her human field.

Yes. She can't hear them anymore, their loud voices having become far enough, the last words pronounced having been 'I think we killed her this time'.

"Ha. Not this time." She whispered to herself, bringing a hand to her mouth when she realised that she had said it out loud.

She stood up on shaky legs, her will to get out of this place stronger than the pain that was soaring throughout her limbs. For once it was strong enough to break through her fear of what would happen when she got out of here, for once it was powerful enough to give her the strength to stand up on her feet, to start walking, to start running, biting on her lips to prevent any noise from coming out of her mouth, a guttural feeling of having to throw up spreading through her stomach.

It was all so confusing.

She tried getting out of that house as quickly as possible, her knees loosing blood, but she didn't care, not this time. She just wanted to get away from there, from the memories that clung to her brain every second of her life.

As the first light of dawn touched the horizon, she began to run. Her feet connected with the earth, each step a gentle embrace. The wind whispered around her, carrying the scent of morning dew. The path stretched out before her, a golden ribbon leading to unknown adventures. Each stride was a quiet conversation with the world, each breath a melody of life. The trees swayed gently, their leaves applauding her progress. Mountains stood tall, silent guardians guiding her spirit. Rivers murmured their ancient secrets, reflecting the sky's vastness in their depths. With every heartbeat, she felt a profound connection to the world around her. In this sacred moment, she felt truly alive.

She looked back, making sure that nobody had saw her escape, making sure that nobody was following her. She was trying to run as fast as possible, as far away from there as possible. This was it. She was out. Finally she had gotten out of that place. She couldn't believe it, she really really couldn't, but here she was, outside.

She was alone though, and this could begin to be a problem. She didn't have a place to stay nor did she have someone to go to. Somewhere. Anywhere. Her mom her dad, her sisters, her brothers, they were all dead, she had dealt with that and she knew there was no way of going back in time to warn them about the fire like she'd dreamed of doing ever since she was a little kid. Lexie didn't know what to do, but just as she started slowing down, she felt it. In her ears, in her nose. She heard the quick shuffling of the leaves on the forest ground, the unnatural speed the steps went, the unmissable scent, that smell... it was another werewolf.

"I got this." Lexie mumbled as she gathered up her strength to keep running.

She could feel herself getting closer and closer to the sound, her nose also helping to guide her, the sudden confidence that had empowered her whole body being yanked away from her as she felt herself being pulled backwards, held back against a tree. The little girl winced, her thorax suddenly filling with soaring pain. She instinctively tried to protect herself curling her limbs around her torso, hands over her head. Amidst her panicked state, she didn't focus on the smell of the other person; it was him, the other werewolf, and he wasn't alone.

"I can help him!" she heard a voice, his tone not a whisper but not loud enough to be considered a shout.

"Shut up!" Another one, a deeper one, whisper shouts. This one was slightly closer to her, he sounded older, and now that she concentrated on her surroundings, she could sense a very familiar yet distant note in this man's smell. She knew it, she knew she did, but it felt to be so far away from who she was now to remember it. "We're like you." This second voice whispers to her, her curiosity peaked as her nose helped her understand what he meant. She peaked from a gap in between her arms and knees, and she sees a man, propably in his early 20s, dark brown hair and glowing crimson red eyes. He has something familiar, and she thought he noticed too, because his eyebrows furrowed together in sign of recognition.

𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐄 | 𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚠𝚘𝚕𝚏Where stories live. Discover now