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"Lexie! Come back here!" Sixteen year old Derek yelled, following his youngest sister into the main hall of the Hale house.

"No! You catch me!" the small three, almost four year old laughed, using her altered speed to escape her older brother.

"Derek! Bring Lexie here, come on! We don't have all day!" Laura, who that day was in charge, called out to her younger brother, holding her other brother in her arms.

"I'm trying!" Derek threw his arms up in exasperation, turning towards his older sister and then continuing to run towards his baby sister.

"You're just slow, Der" Cora told her brother, who stuck his tounge out at her.

"Real mature!" Laura called, placing his baby brother in his yellow, tall seat on the dining table.

This specific yellow chair sat between a regular chair, and an identical purple one, one with various scratches engraved on the back of it.

"Boys" Cora sighed, rolling her eyes, starting to eat her food.

"Lex, come on! Come here! Lexie! Lunch is ready, come eat!" Derek shouted to his three-year-old sister, who was still running away from him.

"Nuh-uh, you catch-" she paused, as she looked up at a tree and began climbing it "Me." she breathed out, as she steadied herself on the closest branch, about 8 feet from the ground.

"C'mon Lexie, come down" Young Derek Hale extended his arms towards his sister, edging her to come down.

She didn't.

"Come on, please? Come on Lexie, just-just come down" he continued trying.

"What's in it for me." she tried to speak clearly, the young girl still having a small lisp.

Derek scoffed "Who taught you that?"

"Uncle Peter" little Lexie responded, sending a big grin towards her big brother.

"I should've known..." the teen boy mumbled "Next time, you and Daniel are not staying home alone with him."

"No! Please, Peter is fun!" the girl pouted, giving Derek those irresistible puppy dog eyes.

The sixteen year old boy thought about it for a while before grinning to himself. "Fine. If you want to stay with Peter again, come down."

She put a finger to her chin, holding onto the branch tightly with her other hand. Her eyes narrowing slightly while she thought intently about her brother's offer. "Okay, but I want one of your chocolates too"

"Alright. Come on down" he didn't intend to give her one of his chocolates anytime soon, but he had to agree or his older sister would get pissed.

He carefully watched as his baby sister decended the tall tree, his arms extended in case she fell. Once she made it safely to the ground, the small girl clung onto her brother's left leg, sitting on his foot and her arms hanging tightly onto his jean-covered leg.

Derek rolled his eyes, putting his hands down towards his sister, her face immediately lighting up, she herself extending her arms up.

The boy grabbed ahold of her hands, effortlessly pulling her up and placing her onto his hip. He smiled at the small shriek that escaped her lips. She then placed her head on his shoulder, holding her arms closely to her chest, and her legs dangling.

This was something that she did often, since she was barely one year old. Her brother acted like it bothered him, like he was usually annoyed at his younger sister, but in reality he loved that she looked up at him so much.

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