Care for a Fry?

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Puffball was feeling rather perplexed and quite a bit uneasy as of late. Recently her friend/teammate Fries had been acting rather strangely. Every time she saw him and talked to him the conversation always started with something along the lines of this: 

"Hey Fries."

"O-O-Oh H-Hey Puffball. Erm...c-care for a fry?"

"Oh, uh... sure thanks."

"N-No problem."

It usually always went like that except when Puffball said "No thanks Fries, but I appreciate the offer." And when she next saw Fries he'd be in their team building's kitchen trying to make his fries taste better. The only reason she was concerned was why Fries was acting like this since she cared about him dearly. Of course Puffball cares about all of her friends, but for some weird reason she cared about Fries even more than the others. 

One early afternoon Puffball was having a quick fly around the TPOT contestant grounds. Since it was taking a while for TPOT 2 to come out almost everyone was struggling to find something to do in the mean time. All Puffball could really do was fly, so that's just what she always did just in case a future challenge required flight she'd be ready for it. 

But Puffball just couldn't stop thinking about Fries and how strangely he was acting. Unfortunately this meant she didn't notice she was flying lower and lower and lower until...

Puffball opened her eyes and realized she'd crashed right into Foldy who was taking a stroll

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Puffball opened her eyes and realized she'd crashed right into Foldy who was taking a stroll.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Foldy are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine Puffball, but why were you flying so low anyway?"

"Well it's a little embarrassing to say."

"Don't worry you can explain anything in any way you want."

"Alright, well it's just... it has something to do with Fries."

And so Puffball proceeded to tell Foldy all about the way Fries had been acting as of late, and Foldy listen carefully to her former teammate. When Puffball finished Foldy was thinking very hard.

"So you say he's been offering you fries lately?"


"And when you say no he's always working to make them better?"

"You got it."

"And he stutters whenever you two converse?"


"Hmm...Ah, I've got it."

"Well what is it?"

"Puffball it looks like Fries has got his eye on you."

Puffball's jaw dropped and her cheeks were redder than Ruby with embarrassment. She hadn't expected that the reason as to why Fries was acting strange was because he had a crush on her. Then she suddenly had an epiphany about a feeling she'd been having.

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