The 4th Child of Princess Leia

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"Look Mommy! I'm a Jedi!" My daughter Jaina is running around the room. "Girls can't be Jedis." Jaina's twin, Jacen snapped. "Mommy, can I be a Jedi too?" Anakin,my youngest son, whines. The three of them make my life so chaotic, sometimes I wonder how I ever thought Luke and Han were trouble. The rest of the day seemed pretty normal, with Jacen "practicing" his lightsaber skills on Anakin, Jaina talking nonstop, and Anakin whining nonstop. It seemed like a normal day until Han busted through the door. " Leia, we need to talk right now." "What's wrong?" I asked, hoping it wasn't another Sith/monster. "Some attackers came on to our planet and are fighting us. I need to go with Chewie and fight them." Han was rarely this serious, so I knew this was something big. "I can come too, I said, I'm still pretty sharp with a blaster." "No Leia, I don't want you to get hurt. Don't you remember what happened on Endor? And who would watch the kids? No, sorry Leia, you need to stay, I can takecare of this." "Fine, I said, but be careful""I'll be back in a couple months""A COUPLE MONTHS???!!!!", I screamed. Han kissed my cheek and said, "Don't worry, We'll be fine". As I watched him leave I had a feeling that we wouldn't be fine.

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