Chapter 4

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"Ha Ha Ha," I said, "What's the real news?" "Uh, the doctor said,"You really are pregnant.""That's almost impossible, I commented,"I've already had 3 children"The doctor simply replied,"Almost anything's possible, and you know that." And with that in my head I left. On the way home, I thought about how first, how could I manage pregnancy while caring for three kids alone, and second once the baby was born what would I do without Han? When I got home, the kids, of course, were stabbing each other with lightsabers. Thank goodness that they had only received fake ones. As I looked around the room I realized that those kids needed to be supporvized at all times. Broken furniture layed on the ground and stains covered the walls like there had been a major food fight. How was I ever going to manage?

The 4th Child of Princess LeiaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang