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OSAMU WALKED ME through the lively streets, and as we approached his favored onigiri shop.

Upon arrival, he turned to me with a small smile, saying, "Take your pick; they're all good."As he disappeared into the shop, my mind buzzed with anticipation.

When he came back, hands full with an assortment of onigiris, his laughter cut through the air. "I might have gone a bit overboard," he confessed, chuckling awkwardly, I laughed quietly "cute". His cheeks picked up a small tint at the comment.

We indulged in a laid-back sampling of onigiri flavors, each bite revealing a unique combination of tastes and textures. Amidst the casual banter, I stumbled upon a particular onigiri that stole the show.

"This one tastes amazing!" I exclaimed with delight.

Osamu, curious about my choice, probed, "Which one is that?"Grinning, I disclosed, "It's the Salted Salmon rice onigiri!"

As we wrapped up our small onigiri feast, we took on a leisurely stroll through the vibrant-cozy city. As we were walking my phone rang.

I looked at the screen that displayed my brother's contact in it. "shoot" I panicked.

Osamu saw my nervousness and asked "what happened?"

"I forgot to let my brother know I was going out, he must be so worried" As I said this, I swiftly answered the phone.

My brother's voice crackled through the phone, "Hey, where are you? Are you safe?"

I responded a soft apologetic" I'm safe don't worry, I forgot to tell you I was going out, I'm out with Osamu right now if that's okay.

I sigh was heard from the other line,"I was worried. Just let me know next time, okay?"

You quickly assured him and explained the situation, putting his worries at ease.

Osamu and I continued our walk after the call, Osamu's curiosity surfaced, and he asked, "Do you have any hobbies or sports you're into?"A soft smile lingered on my lips as I replied, "Well not anymore, I used to play volleyball until my first year, I also did figure skating, now I'm into modeling!"Unexpectedly, Osamu blurted out, "Teach me how to skate!" surprising both of us.

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Embracing the challenge, we found a nearby skating rink that was still opened at this hour, we rented some skates, and ensured Osamu's comfort on the ice.

"Ready to give it a shot?" I asked as we stood on the ice.

"Sure," he said, a mix of excitement and uncertainty in his eyes.

Holding his hands in front of him, we glided across the ice together. Osamu wobbled at first, searching for stability, but gradually found his footing.

I took on the role of instructor, skating ahead of him, my focus on his progress. In a fleeting moment, I anticipated Osamu's potential fall and reached out, steadying him with a firm grip. "Thanks," he expressed gratefully.

Over the next hour, Osamu gained confidence on the ice with my assistance. "Akira-chan, can you show me one of those jumps skaters do?" he asked, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"Um...I'm not sure if I can still do them, but I'll try!" I replied cheerfully. Gliding across the ice, I built up momentum, executed a flawless double axel, and landed with a sense of accomplishment. 'Nailed it!' I thought to myself.

Returning to Osamu's side, he couldn't contain his excitement. "That was awesome!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm visible.

In a surprising gesture, he reached out, gently grabbing my shoulder, and drew me closer. Compliments flowed from his lips, causing a blush to color my cheeks. Realizing our proximity, he released his hold, a hint of embarrassment crossing his face.

"Sorry," he apologized, scratching his neck nervously.

"It's alright," I reassured, maintaining a calm demeanor, but inside I was freaking out.

The skating rink's atmosphere was filled with a mix of laughter and the rhythmic scraping of blades against the ice. Osamu's determination to master some of the basics of remained consistent, and I continued to guide him through the motions.

As we glided along, Osamu's newfound confidence showed in the steady improvement of his balance. He no longer relied heavily on my support, gradually gaining independence on the ice.

Our laughter echoed across the rink, blending seamlessly with the background music, creating a carefree ambiance.

Encouraged by his progress, Osamu suddenly voiced a daring request, "Do that spin thing! The one where you twirl around."

Amused by his enthusiasm, I agreed, "Sure, let me show you a simple spin." Finding a clear spot on the ice, I demonstrated a graceful spin, the wind whipping past me as I twirled. Osamu watched with wide-eyed fascination, a mix of awe and eagerness in his gaze.

After the spin, I encouraged him to give it a try. With a mix of determination and uncertainty, Osamu attempted the spin, his initial efforts being a bit clumsy. Even though he failed on his attempt, he persisted, and soon enough, he managed to execute a respectable spin. His face lit up with a triumphant grin, and I couldn't help but share in his sense of accomplishment.

As our time on the ice drew to a close, we glided towards the rink's edge, catching our breaths satisfied of this successful skating break. The sun had begun its descent, casting a warm dark glow over the cityscape.

Osamu, still buzzing with excitement, turned to me with a grateful smile. "Thanks, Akira-san. I never thought I'd enjoy skating this much."

I chuckled, genuinely pleased by his enthusiasm. "It was my pleasure. You did really well for a first-timer." I teased and nudged his arm.

Our skating break evolved into an unexpected bonding experience, forging a connection between us.

As we returned the skates and made our way back outside, the night unfolded with an easygoing charm.

Little did we know, this lighthearted day would marked the beginning of our friendship.


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