What should've happened that day.

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Will was furious and embarrassed that his childhood best friend didnt want too play that stupid game with him anymore. He was racing out the door in anger, mike followed him feeling terrible for how he made his friend feel. Will was mad and he wanted the old mike back.

Why couldn't he just forget about his stupid girlfriend for one day? why couldn't he play d&d with him like the old days? Will knew mike was sorry but he wouldnt accept sorry for an answer this time. Even though it was raning Will didnt care. Its not like he would melt. "Will come on, you cant leave Its raining!" Mike says chasing him out the door. "Listen I said I was sorry alright?" He didnt care how sorry he was.

"Its a cool campaign, its really cool!" Mike says trying too cheer him up. "Were just... not in the mood right now." That made will very mad. "Yeah mike! Thats the problem, you guys are never in the mood. You're ruining oir party." "Thats not true!" Mike agrue's back. "Really? Wheres dustin right now?" Mike goes silent realising he doesnt know. "See! You dont know, and you dont even care, and obviously he doesnt either, and I dont blame him!"

"You're destroying everything, and for what?! So you can swap spit with some stupid girl?!" He goes on screaming in mikes face. "El's not stpid! Its not my fault you dont like girls!" Will goes silent, mike fucked up. "Actually yeah. It is. It is your fault that I dont like girls. But you wouldn't know that because your too busy making out with your stupid girlfriend too even care!" Mike was confused.

"Will... what do you mean 'its my fault' ?" Mike asks in confusion. "What the hell do you think?! I have a fucking crush on you mike!" Mike eyes turned soft, almost sad. Mike had felt the same way for years but he would hide it knowing it would get him hurt. "Oh yeah, and heres a drawing I made for you. I was going too give it to you after the campaign, but you know what?..."

The picture that will had drawn was mike and will holding hands on the swings when they first met in kindergarten. Will rips the drawing into little peices, as mikes heart does the same. the peices of paper drifted through the air until falling onto the ground, where they were soaked then stood on by Will's shoe.  "Will..." mike says softly as he was about to shed a tear. "forget it mike. I know you dont feel the same way and honestly I even dont care! I just wanted too play d&d like the old days but you even managed to screw that up." Will was furious, confused & very upset.

"Will..." Mike repeated himself. "No mike, I dont need your stupid exuses now just leave me alone!" Will got on his bike and rode off in the pouring rain. Mike tried stopping him but he had already left. Mike quickly went to grab his bike and bike after the love of his life. He got the bike and started pedaling as fast as he could. He got close enough too will that he would just be able too hear him if he screamed.

"WILL! WAIT! PLEASE!" the soaked boy yelled at the top of his lungs. Will stopped biking and stood there. In the middle of the street. In the pouring rain. Soaking wet. Staring at mike. Mike biked over too where he was standing. The boys were soaked, but they didnt care. mike hopped off his bike and walked over"What is it now mike? What the fuck do you-" mike placed his palms onto Will's cheeks. Mike leaned in placing his lips ever so gently onto Will's. They kissed. Mike had kissed him. For the first time ever.

Will pulled away. "Mike..." Will started sobbing "hey, hey. Its okay Will." Mike reassured Will. "Im sorry I was such an asshole back there." Will nodded in agreement too mike. Will dropped his bike making a loud clashing sound, he didnt care. Will pulled mike in for another kiss. This time the kiss was longer, and much better. They kissed for a while until they both took their lips off eachother. "But you are a pretty cute asshole" Will whispers in Mikes ear after the kiss was over. Mike smiled.

Soon enough they began walking back too Mikes house, holding hands. When they finnaly got back they continued the d&d campaign happily. And after it was over Will drew mike a new picture. a picture of them holding hands, this time, in the rain.

Thought this was cute, idk. anyways ill be writing more random one shots after this one. Lmk what u think by commenting! Ly all

One shots || BylerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora