Valentines day

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(Heres a oneshot for valentines day <3 im sorry its a bit late but I was a bit busy to write it on valentines, edit- I litterally forgot to start writing this and now its may, oops.)

It was valentines day, the day to celebrate love. But Will, he felt the opposite of Love he had just had a huge fight with Mike, and to make matters even worse, Jane had already asked Mike to be her valentines, of course Mike being a people pleaser, agreed, even though he didnt want to go, at all. He was so sick of spending all of his time with Jane, she was boring, so black and white. Mike wanted to be with somone more colorful.

Will gets a notification on his phone, for once in his life, somebody is texts him first.

He opens the message on instagram,
"Michael.Wh33ler has requested to message you"

He had blocked Mike after the fight.

He didnt want to hear what he had to say, no apology could ever make up for what he said. The words kept fogging up his mind

"okay so what if im not the same person anymore? You're not the same either... What? You think I havent noticed you staring at me in class?" ... "Oh don't pretend you dont have a crush on me, I already know. I know everything, and honestly it's ruining our friendship."

Will was so shocked he felt guilty for liking him, like it was a crime, like they couldnt be friends unless he was straight.

If only he knew that Mike was just trying to hide his feeling for him in return, he was repressing them, he repressed them so much that it made him angry, he didnt mean anything he said to Will. That night after the fight tears flooded Mike's eyes. He felt so bad for saying all those things about Will. What he really wanted to say was...

*Will opens the message*

Michael.Wh33ler: Hey Will, you probably arent going to read this but I dont even know if you even actually have a crush on me someone at school just started the roomer I guess. God I am so self centred to think someone as beautiful like Will Byers would ever have a cruch on me. I know this is utterly insane and surprising but the truth is I am in love with you and I dont even care if you feel the same way I just needed to tell you. Yes I am gay, no I never liked Jane. I was repressing my emotions for you onto her. I was trying to convince myself that I wasnt gay but it just made it worse, it made me angry and thats why I lashed out at you. I love you and im sorry I really am and im sorry if you arent even gay and this is just akward for you. I just need you to know that you are the prettiest friend That I have ever had and from the moment I met you, you already gave me butterflies in my stomach. Everytime you spoke to me I would write it down hoping that someday I could write "Will kissed me today" but nevermind that Im just glad that its out now. You are so mesmerising sometimes, I fantisise about us being together. Im probably about to ruin our friendship by sending this but for just one chance to be with you even if its for one day is more than enough to convice me to send this.

Will.bye101: Mike...

Michael.Wh33ler: Yea?

Will.bye101: Just come to my house.

Michael.Wh33ler: what? Why?

Will.bye101: just hurry.

Mike rushes to his bike that is leaned against the wall, he pushes the stand up & hops on even though he is was to old to be riding that bike. He pedals as fast as he can to Will's house thinking of what he could say to him. He bikes through a puddle on the side walk and gets completely soaked. Oh well, he tells himself.

10 minutes later

"Finnaly here."
Mike pulls out his phone to let Will know he is here but Will already knows and rushes out to greet him.

"Hey!" Will blushes. "Hey stranger." "Aw look at you you are soaked, come inside I'll find you some clothes." "Come on hurry its freezing out here." Will is being nice? Mike questions what he did to deserve this. "Hey about last night I..." Will interupts "...shhhhh, later okay? I'll make you some tea and get you clothes just take a seat on the couch for now"

Mike is confused "um so why did you invite me here exactly?" "No reason, just that im home alone and feeling like shit. I needed you here." "Home alone?" Mike has such a dirty mind but he cant let him know what he is thinking "uhh yea... Jonathan went out on a date with Nancy, yesterday. And my mom is gone to the city to find a second job so she will be away for 3 days.

The kettle whistles then dings. "Here's your tea now ill get you some dry clothes." Mike is surpised that Will hasnt bought up the love letter he sent him. "Here" Will passes him a pair of sweatpants with a navy polo & a fluffy green sweater. "Thanks" mike says "you can change in my room if you like." Will offers "okay sure."

Before Mike enters the room he felt to urge to ask "Will..." "Yeah whays wrong?" "Never mind" he cant do it "oh ok"

5 minutes later
Mike is finally done changing. "Ok now, about the message you sent me." "What about it." Mike starts blushing but cant stop. "Well I couldn't really do this over text could I?" Will leans closer. Both of their hearts start beating faster and faster, Mike cant stop boushing as Will gets closer "do what?-" Will places his lips onto Mike's. They kiss, but eventually mike stops. "So I guess this means you will be my valentines?" "I guess so" Will giggles. They start kissing again, more passionately this time. Its like they have no more shame... "I love you Mike." Will whisper's softly into Mike's ear...

In the morning in Will's bed...
"Oh, hey Sleepyhead, you are awake." Mike says to Will. "What?" Will is still half asleep. "Its me, Mike." "Oh. OH! oh my gosh it wasnt a dream!" "It was nice, Best valentines present ever." "Yea it was." Will smiles. "Love you" Mike tells Will "I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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