Pen Pals

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Ever since the Byers and eleven had left Hawkins mike couldn't quite put his finger on what he was missing. He just brushed it off assuming he was just missing eleven but he knew there was something more. He wasn't interested in eleven like that, at least, not anymore.

On the second day, mike had been apart from el he would send her a letter which read,

Dear El,

I hope California is treating you well. Even though it has only been a day my heart is already breaking. I know it is for the best that you had to leave but I miss you. I miss you so much El. I also would love to hear how Will, Joyce, & Jonathan are doing as well so if you could ask them to send a letter back to me as well that would be greatly appreciated. Hope you are doing okay, Stay safe.

Sincerely, Mike W.

Eleven would reply to this by writing back telling him about how great California was, ignoring the request to ask about the Byers. At first, it was cute, they would always smile when opening up the letter they each would get every month, sometimes they would even send packages with gifts and

Eventually, mike had stopped writing to eleven, he was getting tired.

He just wasn't interested in her anymore. Writing letters to each other made mike realise how boring of a person eleven actually is. First off she would always start her letter by saying how many days they have been apart, which was kind of getting old, yeah it used to be cute but mike wasn't a kid anymore.

secondly, eleven would always talk about how annoying Will was to her. Which would break mikes heart knowing how much pain Will must be in to get mad at eleven. The final reason why Mike had stopped writing to El was that she had never told him about how any of the Byers was doing. She would only talk to herself.

Mike had enough of eleven talking about herself so one day he decided he would write a letter to Will instead, He hadn't talked to him since he left. He didn't call him, not once. And neither did Will. I guess they had both just forgotten. But Mike wouldn't settle for that. So he wrote the most heartfelt letter he could think of. It read,

Dear Best friend (Will Byers)

I don't even know if we are best friends anymore, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not calling you. I'm sorry for not even trying to contact you. I thought that maybe you didn't want to talk. Maybe it was just me. I'm really sorry if I did something wrong. I'm sorry that I chose to talk to eleven instead of you. It was a stupid decision. I really do want to talk to you, Will. When you would talk it would brighten up my day, but now that we haven't talked in so long I just haven't been happy. Will, you completed me. I can't be Michael Wheeler without you. Will, you are a piece of me. I can't stand being quiet anymore. Will, you mean everything to me. And I mean everything. I don't even like El. Every time she would say something bad about you a little piece of my heart would break apart because I knew you wouldn't do those things. I know that this is not you. And please, if you do read this, Just know that I will always love you.

Love from, Mike Wheeler

Mike hadn't written a letter that long in his entire life. The ending bit where he said I love you was supposed to be platonic but mike was starting to question if it even was platonic. Maybe he was in love with him. Maybe Will is the piece he needed because Will is his true love.

Two months later

Every afternoon Mike would check the mail, waiting for a letter back from Will. This afternoon he finally got the letter. He was nervous and excited and relieved, all at the same time. he tore open the envelope ever so carefully revealing the letter that Will had written, mike swiftly pulled the letter out unfolding the paper. The letter read,

Dear lover (Mike Wheeler)

I love you too, now look outside your window.

Yours sincerely, Will Byers.

Mike was confused and overwhelmed with emotions. Had Will just confessed his love for him? With these thoughts he still did what the letter said, he turned and faced the window which behind the glass was a shivering Will Byers. Mike would open the latch on his window to let the cold boy inside . "Will?" Mike would ask in confusion. "Shhh, look, I know this is all so crazy, and the 'I love you' was probably just platonic but Mike I-" Mike had a crush on him too. Mike pulled Will's soft face towards his and kissed his almost blue lips, from being outside in the snow.

Mike's door would open, forcing the boy's lips to separate immediately. Both of the boy's cheeks would start turning red as they saw who was at the door. It was Nancy. She knew what they did but pretended she didn't. "Hey, I was just gonna tell you dinners ready but hey Will!" Nancy winked at Will. "Oh- hey nancy!" Will replied. "Nancy! Get out!" Mike shouted at his older sister. Nancy slowly left the room then closed the door behind her.

"You don't think she saw us? Did she?" Mike asked Will nervously "I think we are okay Wheeler" Will smiled. "Now... where were we?" Mike asked. Will giggled and pulled Mikes face into his and they began Kissing yet again. The awkwardness from the first kiss had passed and they finally felt no shame.

Hope you guys liked this one-shot, I thought it was cute but let me know what you think by commenting, have a great day/night :))

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