Chapter 10

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6:25 P.M

Roman Reigns P.O.V

Dean and Dolph and john and Justin and Phillip and I are picking up the girls. Dean was driving like always, because he has the nicest vehicle out of everyone. We where brining two vehicles, the other one has Phillip and Justin and john. It will also have kelly and aj and maria in it. Deans car has dean, me, dolph and it will have Nicole, Brie, Emma .

Dean it seems like Eva has a pretty bad crush on you, I said as everybody started to laugh.

"You better stop talking or your going to get pushed out of the car." He said with a bit of laughter,

Alright, alright, all joking aside. I said.

"Okay, we are at brie's house" Dean said.

They all walked out, because they were all waiting at Nicole's and brie's house, they all were dressed casual, not fancy or anything, as well as us. They all got into the vehicles and we greeted the ladies and the dean started to drive.
"So were are we going" Nicole asked .

If it's okay with you guys maybe the movies ? I asked.

"Yes that's fine with us" Nicole said.

Okay, I said.

*Dean, and Brie were sitting in the front, Nicole and i were sitting in the middle, and Dolph and Emma were sitting in the back. And the others are in a different vehicle*

What's on your mind Nicole? I asked.

"Nothing" Nicole said.

Your lying, I said,

"Fine Brie and I had a fight because some private number has been sending her threats, but we know it's most likely Eva, Summer or seth or one of the others."

"Wait, what kind of threats" dean asked.

"Okay one says, if you don't learn to shut your mouth real bad things are going to happen" Brie said,

"Except the fact that you are a bitch and that nobody likes you, well at least somebody does dean, but then again somebody has to like you, that's another message I got" Brie said.

"You better watch your back, because if you don't you are going to never want to show your face at school again" Brie said

"Then finally I said, it's pretty sad that you have to hide your identification and text me under a private number" Brie said .

"There's more but you guys can read them later" Brie said.

"Okay, just don't listen to them, they're not going to be stupid enough to even try anything" Dean said.

"I know" Brie said.

*it was quiet the rest of the time, until we got to the movies*

"So what kind of movie are we going to see" Brie asked.

"You guys can pick, since we picked were we are going" Dean said.

I agree, roman blurted out.

*We met up with everyone in the other vehicle and the girls said that they wanted to see something scary so we picked a scary movie*

*So far the movie was good and scary*

1 hour later.

*after the movie we went to go get some food, we stopped at Burger King and we all got a hamburg and fries and a soda*

So what are you guys doing this weekend, I asked.

"Me and Nicole and my family are driving to California to go see some family and we're going to be there until Wednesday night. We will be back at school on Thursday, we don't have school on Monday so at least we are only missing 2 days of school" Brie said.

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