Its here!

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*3 months later*
OMG it's here! I can't believe the letter is finally here! I wonder what it says. Should I open it by myself or with Ashton? Um by myself then I'll just tell Ash right when I know the answer. I ran up to my room and slammed the door. I flopped on my bed and ripped the letter open. Scared I pulled out the paper. My eyes just skimmed the letter and then I saw it.
'I am proud to say that you have been accepted into UCLA.'
OMG!!! I got accepted! I screamed and Ashton ran in.
"Amanda are you ok? What happened?"
"ASHTON I GOT IN!!!" I yelled with happy tears falling down my cheeks.
"OMG AMANDA THATS AMAZING!! It's right in in time to because we are graduating this month."
"I know right! I can't believe I actually got in."
"Wait so this means you are going to LA doesn't it?"
"Yeah I think so but you have the band Ashton."
"We aren't that far at all."
"You guys have a gigs!"
"Yeah but we have going for a month! A whole month, if we want to get somewhere we need to be better!"
"Hey, Ash you're going to be making so many fans happy one day! That day will come trust me you just have to wait."
"I know but I want to wait with you right next to my side."
"Ashton please stop making this harder for me! I want to live out my dreams but I really don't want to leave you either. Trust me if I didn't have all these things planned out for my life I would stay but I just can't." I said in a pleading voice.
"I understand." He said giving a "I'm sorry" look.
"Come 'ere!" I said with my arms held out hinting for him to give me a hug. He just giggled, walked over, and hugged me. He was a couple inches taller than me so my head was right against his shoulder.
"Hey have you told Michael yet?"
"No, I'm really scared to! I really like him and I don't want to hurt him in any way, shape, or form!"
"He will understand I know him Amanda.
I can't see him freaking out or getting pissed at you. He may be sad but that's about it, and I mean what are you gonna expect."
"Thanks Ash that really helps me out!" I then gave him another hug and walked out of the house. I was now on my way to Mikey's house.
It took about 10 minutes for me to get to Michael's and I still didn't know how to tell him. Well here goes nothing. *knock knock*
"One sec!" I heard Michael yell. Then I heard a bunch of footsteps and the door whipped open. "Oh hey Amanda. What's up?" He said clearly out of breathe.
"Um well I need to tell you something and I was wondering if I could come in?"
"Of course you can babe and what is it that you have to tell me?"
"Well the other day in class ya know how we filled out college application?"
"No I think I skipped class that day. Why?"
"Well I filled one out sent it in and got accepted."
"Omg Amanda that's great!" He pretty much yelled. "Why aren't you excited?!?"
"Well this college thing is going to put a damper on our relationship." I calmly spoke.
"We can handle! Australia isn't that big and maybe everyone can move with you."
"No Michael! We probably can't. The college isn't in Australia."
"Oh. Um where is it?" He face turning pale.
"Um....I don't really want to tell."
"Why? Amanda you're scaring me!" He said worried.
"It's UCLA." I said really quiet.
"Amanda please speak louder."
"It's UCLA." I said a bit louder.
"Amanda did you just say UCLA! That's in California!" Michael spoke louder than he was a second ago.
"I know that's the bad thing. Only two people know, you and Ashton."
"Why the hell are you going all the way to California when there are plenty of colleges in Australia?" His face was pretty red now.
"Because Michael. I have dreams to ya know. I'm not just going to let you guys live out your dreams while I sit around with none." I was getting pissed.
"Amanda you know the band is just starting off and I won't be able to see you enough at it is but now you are going tone in Los Angeles on top of it."
"Yeah and your going to have to deal because that's how it's going to be."
"Know what."
"FUCK YOU AMANDA!!!" He screamed on the top of his lungs. Well damn that escalated quickly.
"Michael you didn't mean that!" My voice cracked with tears forming in my eyes.
"Your wrong Amanda! I did mean that. Every fucking word of it!" Michaels voice spoke with hatred flowing out of it. The last person that said that to me was my dad. Was Michael going to treat me like he did also or is he actually going to be nice to me? I don't know if I want to figure out!
"Fine Michael, ya know what. WE ARE THREW!!!" I screamed the last part. I ran out of the house. When I was 20 feet away the tears started rolling down my eyes and wouldn't stop. I can't believe this! I MISS HIM ALREADY!!!!
Hey guys! What's up? They aren't together anymore.😢 I need help right now! Should they be called "Amichael" or something else? I really need to know! I love you guys! DEUCES!!

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