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"y/n just show me your wings."

Just then beautiful angel like wings appear out of her back.


"I know they're ugly."

"y/n, they are beautiful and angelic." said techno in a calm voice. "y/n you are my child. You are the heir to the throne. Are you ready for training?" "Um, I guess but do I have to stay here. Can I stay in my tree house?" "Look, you're going to have to stay here. But I did background info before you came and.... you have separation anxiety. We have find you a person to stay with and I can't because I have work." "ME!" Both Ranboo and Techno said at the same time. " How about two?"

I found myself in my room, though Ranboo's and Techno's room were connected by doors. For safety purposes. I started unpacking feeling a little blue about my tree house. So, I had an idea what if I decorate my room tree theme. Just to make me feel a lot better. I started putting up vines and spreading leaves. I decided to go to bed it has been a long day today.

sorry it was so short I'll post longer ones!

treehouse RANBOO X TECHNO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now