The Ball

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tw: Blood, knife, cuss

I wake up to shuffling. "Don't go... please." I say.  As I grab onto the persons wrist. "I can't I don't want your dad finding me in here. I'm his best friend what if he sees me with his child?" I hear Technoblade say. As I let go. "Plus, the ball is tonight." "A BALL?" I scream. "Yes, some guards are coming to help you get ready soon, and your dad is coming to see you in like 5 minutes." "Alright, you can go I guess." I give in. He walks out and I grab my book from the table and read. 10 minutes later I hear a knock. "Come in." "Hey y/n there's a ball tonight are you going?" "Yes, when is it?" "Tonight at 9PM." "Thanks." "Also, can Eret a really stylish king get you ready?" "Yes, I don't mind." "Great he'll be here around 12." "Bye." I say as he walks out. It's around 11 so I get dressed into a blue suit with a white cape around my shoulders. Or if you're a girl a light blue dress with a white cape over your shoulders. You look back at the clock and it reads 11:55PM. I walk out and head to garden in the front. I just sit there with the wind in my face. Until I feel a tap on my shoulder. I whip my head around and see a guy with sunglasses and a strawberry dress. "Hi, I'm Eret." "Nice to meet you Eret I'm y/n." "So, you need fashion sense for the ball?" "Yes!" "Well, just match with your royal family." "Who's all in my royal family?" "Well, you have Philza, Technoblade is Phil's bestie, Ranboo is a royal friend from the end kingdom, Wilbur is Philza's son so is Tommy." "Is that all you need to tell me?" "No, the other person in your family is Mumza the goddess of death. And your royal color is light blue."

"So, is this your room?" "Yes." We walk in and he sprints to the closet. He picks out a light blue dress with royal blue butterflies at the bottom. "Can we put you in a dress?" "Sure." (I WILL PUT YOU IN THAT DRESS AND SAY YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL OR HANSOME!!!) "Here go get dressed then we do hair." You go get dressed and when you walk out there is a beautiful maid named Niki. "Hey y/n, Niki's going to do your hair." Eret says. "Come sit here please." I sit down. "Hey Niki, I feel like we'll be good friends." "Me too." She says playing with my hair. !!!IF YOU ARE A GIRL THE HAIR IS SPACE BUNS IF YOUR A GUY YOUR HAIR IS COTTEGE CORE LIKE!!!"And I'm-------- Done!" "Omg, thank you Niki! It's time for you to get ready!" We get Niki in a short light blue dress with a braided belt around her waist, and we get Eret in a dark red dress. Me and Eret grab our crowns. I grab my extra crown and put it on Niki. Mine and Eret's are big golden crowns with gems all around. Niki's is small with one royal blue gem. We check the time and its 8:48 PM. 

Eret, Niki, and I walk out of my bedroom to the ballroom. When we walk in everyone looks at us. I see two people with light blue crowns too. "KING ERET, NIKICHU, AND HEIR TO THE THRONE OF SBI, y/n!" the knight screams as we walk down. I see the boys with light blue crowns like me walk up. When I reach the bottom, they are right to me. "Is it really you y/n?" a boy with brown hair asks. Just then I get a flashback.


"Wilby! I wanna learn guitar!"

"Alright come here."


"Wilby im tierd."







"Wilbur, I'm sorry but coughing up blood doesn't mean good."


"Wilby I-it's me." Wilbur runs up and hugs you. "Are you still sick? Are you ok? I-I don't want to go through that again!" "Wilby I'm fine" I start to tear up. Just then I heard footsteps behind me. "Dream now is not the right time." I hear Eret say strictly. I turn around and see him. I run behind Wilbur and whisper in his ear. "Wilby, that's him the guy who stole me from you!" I said with fear in my voice. "That's Dream."


I wake up to a hand over my mouth. I scratch and kick to get away. I just got a younger brother I can't leave! I eventually get the hand off to late we are at the window. "WILBY PHILZA GUARDS HELP PLEASE!" Wilbur runs to the window and grabs my hand. "WILBY I-I I don't want to go." Just then dream punches Wilbur in the nose. "Stay away from my child." Dream said as he jumps out.



"Y/n dear come to father, or else." Dream says in a happy to mad voice. "They aren't going anywhere." Philza says as he walks in with Ranboo and Techno. Phil holding an elytra Techno holding a pickaxe and Ranboo holding an axe. Suddenly a boy with a blue shirt walks out with clout goggles and a bow. Then a boy with a bandana walks from the crowd with a sword. "Let's play 3vs3." Dream said. BAM! The door opens to the butchers. "Sorry we're late king Philza!" beanie says. "It's fine quackity!" Huh his name is quackity. Then something drips on me. slime?

I look up to see a guy that looks like a slime on the roof.  He nods and mouths say look up. "Um, look up." I say as we all look up and slime drips in Dreams eyes. "AHH WHAT THE FUCK!" "Great job Charlie!" Quackity says. Slime waves and turns into a real slime and slugged away. "RETREAT! I WILL GET YOU Y/N." Just then y/n gets shot in the leg and falls to the ground as they leave. "Y/N!" I heard screaming as I blacked out.

words :1013

next chapter soon!

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